tips on falling asleep easily

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-wash your face with something icy

-eat something healthy before you go to bed

-keep yourself hydrated, too, because you'll feel sick when you wake up if you don't

-drain your phone battery before it's time to go to bed so that you won't be on it all night

-try not to work on anything creative about an hour before you go to bed, because creative ideas are the things that keeps your brain awake the most

-don't fall asleep listening to something, because it will keep waking you up

-try to make your room as dark as possible

-make yourself comfortable

-don't overthink getting to sleep if possible, because again that's what will keep you awake

-try to do something other than watching TV or being on a device (reading a book sometimes will make your eyes tired)

-stay away from caffeine before and right after sleeping

-stay away from medication before and after sleeping

-don't give up when trying to fall asleep, because chances are you'll fall asleep without knowing it

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