1: Scheming

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They were scheming.
Kuroo could tell.

He watched them from afar, munching on chips as he studied them from the kitchen bar. Bokuto was at practice and Kuroo had the day off, so Kuroo had full access to stalking his other two boyfriends without getting caught.
The two of them hadn't moved from the couch in two hours, not even to pee or get food or even to resituate, and Kuroo liked to think he would've heard them whispering in the silent house, even over his soft crunching.

Akaashi and Tsukishima were quiet people, perfect matches for Bokuto and Kuroo's loud personalities.

But they weren't this quiet.

They talked at least twice a day on bad days (always to say I love you in the morning and at night), and spoke regularly on good days. They had not had bad days in a while, so now all Kuroo could wonder was why they were being quiet.

Of course, like he'd said, he knew they were scheming. They had this way of communication that didn't require speaking and their phones were both charging on the counter near Kuroo, so it wasn't like they were texting. He could see their computers well enough to know they weren't on email, but he couldn't exactly make out what they were on.

Akaashi shifted closer to Tsukishima until their laptops were touching each other and Kuroo squinted his eyes.

Yes. Definitely scheming.


When Bokuto came home, Tsukishima was the one to greet him first. Red flag number one.
Akaashi always greeted people first. It was just how it was.

So that's where it started. A little odd behavior, only one flag, just Mild Scheming.

Tsukishima stared down at Bokuto, who looked wary, and then swooped down to kiss him when the shorter man had finished shucking his shoes and volleyball bag. Bokuto relaxed and grabbed at Tsukki's thighs to lift him up before Bokuto stepped up from the genkan.

"I was only gone for eleven hours." he laughed, leaning back into Tsukki's eager lips that mouthed at his own.

"Too long. Shower now." Kei hissed impatiently, and Bokuto's grin turned feral as he carried Tsukishima away to the bathroom, a happy 'hey babes!' called quickly to Kuroo and Akaashi before the bedroom door shut.

Kuroo watched the door until he heard bathroom door shut as well and then turned his head to look at his third boyfriend.
Kuroo startled a bit when he found Akaashi's own blank stare already trained on him.

"...what?" Kuroo asked cautiously. Akaashi narrowed his eyes a minuscule bit before he relaxed and turned back to the telly with no explanation.

Kuroo squinted his own eyes at the back of Akaashi's head out of both pettiness and suspicion.


"Tsukki! I'm gonna use your computer!" Bokuto announced to his boyfriend. Tsukishima seemed to materialize at Bokuto's side from the back of the house, a carefully blank expression on his face.

He spoke calmly, as though telling Bokuto no was an often occurrence from Tsukishima.

Red-flag number two. Kuroo thought from the couch. They were now to Scheming Level 'Up To Something.'

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