Brainstorm ONE Chapter 10

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I finally got a day where I knew Jen was off on her own interview, about her brothers new CD, so I rushed over to the Jonas house. I pulled in the driveway and seen that they were there. I started to get nervous, what if they told me no? I knew I had to at least get this under my belt, before I went to Joe. He was the one I was worried about. I Knocked on the door and smiled as Denise answered the door.

“Mitchel, honey,” she said, “Come in! What can we do for you?”

“Well, I kind of need to talk to you and Paul if I can,” I said. She smiled, her eyes shining.

“Absoloutly,” she said, “Please, have a seat in the living room. I’ll go get him.” I walked into the living room, my nerves finally stating to make me shake. I was scared, believe it or not. How do you ask someone if you can take their little girl away from them? I fiddled with the ring box in my pocket. I had already bought it, hoping they would give their blessing. As they walked into te living room and sat down I tried to sit up straight,

“So, Mitchel,” Paul said, “What can we do for you?”

"well, Mr. Jonas, I wanted to ask you something." I said, "I wanted to ask your blessing."

"Our blessing?" he asked. He was confused.

I puled the ring box out of my pocket and set it in front of them.

To ask for Jen's hand in marraige," I said, quietly, starting to get scared. Denise inhales and grabs Pauls arm, and smiles at him.

"He's ready to ask her." she breathes.

Paul smiles, "Are you ready to make this commitment?"

"MOre than you know sir," I said, "She's my life. My everything. I love her very much."

Denise points at the box excited.

"May I take a look?" Denise asked me with a huge smile and I could tell she was trying not to cry.

"Of course," I said, "Please do."

Paul nods, "You know that you have go through Joe too."

"Of course," I said, "I'm acutlally more nervous about him than you!"

Paul laughs, "I would be too. They have been together like glue growing up, and he would protect her from anything to hurt her."

Denise takes the box off the coffee table and opens it slow and inhales, "Mitchel Musso, this is the most beautiful ring that I have ever seen."

"Thank you, ma'am," I said, "I just hope she loves it."

"She will. I have great taste, and I know that she will be speechless." she smiled more as Paul looks at it too.

"Do you have a meaning behind it? Most boys do now a days." he said, and I smiled and nodded.

“Well, I wanted it to represent us both, her engagement ring, with my birthstone in it, the rubies, so she could always see a part of me in it,” I said.

"How romantic," Denise smiled and looks at Paul.

"It is a very nice ring son and great choice and taste for my little girl."he said. Paul and Denise look at each other, it was so cool, I hoped that would be me and Jen as we spend our lives together.

"Thank you sir. So is this your blessing?" I said, anxious to hear his answer. I was on the edge of my seat.

Paul looks at me, "You have our blessing. You may marry our daughter. But you have Joe to go talk to too. But you have ours. Welcome to the family Mitchel." Paul stands up to shake hands with me as Denise stands up holding the box and closes it.

Brainstorm PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now