Seeing You With Him

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After the movie night, Gabriel and Leah have been talking for one month. Charles started to become jealous and had difficulty in his own love life. One night, Charles walks to see Leah and Gabriel talking and holding hands. His heart drops. 

"I love you Gabriel."

"I love you too Leah. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" She hugs him tightly and with a huge smile in her face. Charles was heartbroken. His heartbreak then became worse. The couple then noticed Charles in front of them.

"Charles!" Gabriel exclaimed. Leah observed Charles eyes and how red they are.

"Best? Are you okay?" Charles didn't say a word. The only sound he made was through his nose.

"What's wrong Charles?" Charles looked at Gabriel. His eyes were red and full of tears.

"Your cousin."

"What about Ellen?" Gabriel became suspicious.

"She cheated on me. She's been cheating on me. And didn't fight for me, she just told to me go and forget everything."

"Oh Charlie." Leah comforted him. Gabriel patted his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Charles." He begins to feel guilty.

"Did you know?"

"I didn't. That's why I'm ashamed." Charles became relieved. "But now you realize there's someone out there."

"Yeah, he's right Charles. There's someone better for you."

"Thanks guys." Charles stood up. "I better get going. I'll see you guys later."

"Charles, are we still good?" Gabriel stopped him before he left. He turned around and returned to Gabriel.

"We're good man. Don't worry Gabriel, I'm not mad at you, you didn't do anything wrong that I know off."

"I promise man. I didn't know and if I did, I would be the one to tell you. I don't want to hurt you."

"Thanks Gab. I just really want to go home now. See you guys."

"Charles wait, I'll walk home with you-"

"No, I just want to be alone!"

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