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junior year
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you ended your friendship

with him.

there was no other way

and he's better off

without you.

he was abused

whenever you weren't around him

you told yourself that it's for him

that you breaking a genuine friendship

is for the good of both of you

when even you

know that it's only for your own.

you're selfish,

you thought about your decision

but you didn't think about

his feelings.

that's what he thought.

you can have anyone you want

while he only had you.

you tore apart a friendship

your heart suffered the same fate.

and you can't blame anyone but you.

• • • • •
dedicated to ericka because you're too nice and your covers are goals i can't even. thank you for being a good friend, for putting up #thefilipinosociety with me and jen, and also for being the most productive admin there.

i will be taking longer before i post another chapter. i'll probably write stock chapters first so i'd be able to set a definite update schedule.

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