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*John's P.O.V.*   

Sherlock and I haven't been sleeping properly for days, maybe weeks? Actually, I've lost count. We've been stressed and pressured with all this fuss about Moriarty coming back alive from the dead and we don't still know if he's really alive or if someone is just playing with the whole of England.

But I guess, it's really not possible for him to be back. Sherlock managed to fool everyone with his fake death too, that would mean Moriarty can do the same even if Sherlock saw him blow his brains out with his two eyes. Maybe this is why Sherlock is doing nothing but to track Moriarty down, maybe he's itching to know how the consulting criminal has done that trick. Moriarty isn't really doing anything major at the moment except for that video he sent out to the whole of England and letting us know that he's alive, but we just know that soon enough, his games will begin again.

"Sherlock, aren't you hungry? You haven't eaten anything for days, " I asked Sherlock who's busy looking for something in the newspapers in front of him. As a doctor and his partner, I'm worried about his well-being. The guy hasn't had anything for days, the only thing that keeps him going is his patches which I'm still not happy with.

"Eating is a waste of time, John." He answered me and I honestly expected that answer.

"Fine. Starve yourself to death. Maybe that'll be the reason of your death, Moriarty doesn't even need to do anything, you're just the one killing yourself," I told him angrily.

"Oh please, John. I can handle myself, doctor. Look at me, I'm fine, I have the energy, I have my mind focused, and I'm alert. I don't need to waste my precious time for --

Sherlock's childish reasoning was cut off because there was a knock on the door. He stopped talking and just went back to the news papers, not even caring who's at the door at all. I silently sighed while looking down at my watch, it's quite late for a client now.

"We're busy, tell her we don't accept cases," Sherlock said, his eyes are still glued on the newspapers.

"We don't even know if she's a she or he's a he, " I said and I think I forgot that this is Sherlock Holmes.

"She's a she, her footsteps aren't heavy, the way she knocks wasn't that loud and I do think it's not an urgent need. There's no sign of urgency on it," He explained.

"Well, if I think it is urgent, we'll still take it, " I told him and he just replied with a grunt.

I walked towards the door and opened it slightly and I saw a girl outside. I was actually expecting it to be a middle aged woman, but this girl is maybe around 25 years old. She looked so calm and bright and she was innocently smiling at me.

"Hi. What can I do for you?" I asked with a smile.

"Doctor Watson! I love your blogs and I love the way you portray Sherlock in them. He sounds so interesting, " She said with a chuckle. She just speaks calmly and I realized that she has an american accent.

I smiled at her, I think she's just a fan of some sort. I was about to go outside so she won't be able to see Sherlock inside for I am sure he doesn't want to be disturbed by a fan, but before I do so, I felt Sherlock open the door completely. I gazed at him and he looked at the girl with confusion and full of question on his face.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" He asked with full shock.

"You know her, Sherlock?" I asked curiously. I looked at the girl again who smiled at Sherlock with excitement yet there was pride in her eyes. Can it be that this girl is an ex-lover?...but no, she's way too young and I do think that a girl like her won't pass Sherlock's high standards. For Sherlock, she's probably normal and boring. But to what Sherlock's expression, he knows this girl.

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