Chapter 7

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"If I'm not going anywhere then you're not going anywhere too. Come, lay down with me and sleep. I think you are exhausted after taking care of me. "

I nodded. I do feel kinda exhausted. I didn't even ate dinner. I lay down beside him but my back was facing him.

I felt he shifted closer. My instincts are correct. Because the next thing I know is that he draped a hand on my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. I flushed 50 shades of red when I felt his hot breath against the crook of my neck. My whole body tensed.

"Calm down princess. I'm not gonna hurt you. "

After that sentence and his even breathing I went to dreamland.

End of recap.
Sueann's POV

"Oooh look at them together how cute. "

"Yeah let's pull a prank to wake them up. What do you think Char? "

"I think how about we wet both of them. "

"Good idea.

Ugh the twins are always up to something crazy.

They filled buckets of water. Only me and Jackson decided against it. Joey will kill me if she knows I'm apart of this.

Joey's POV

I heard someone counting when it struck 3 . I've been splashed with cold water not only me but Karry too also been splashed.

Why are we in the same bed anyways? Oh.

Me and Karry said "Fuck! " at the same time. Then we glared at the sneaky siblings.

"Oh honey we are doing you guys a favor of waking you up unless you want to be late for school. " Charlotte said.

I still am glaring at them. Then sigh when it's not going to do anything for me.

I quickly stood and ran t OK Gus bathroom. I strip my clothes and quickly took a warm bath. Man, that is freaking cold. I bath finish then I only remembered. I forgot this is his room. Shit!

I wrapped a fluffy pink towel around my body.

I walked out of the room and went for the door. I almost tripped when Karry said "Nice curves. "

I rolled my eyes and backfired. "Stop being a freaking perv. " then I went out the door.

I wore black sleevless top with white shorts. And tied my hair into a messy bun.

Time for school. When me and the others arrive all eyes were on us. I mentally groaned when I remembered. Karry is the hottest in school. I'm gonna unwanted attention from his saliva dripping fangirls.

The head bitch and also head cheerleader. Walked up to me. This couldn't be good. Courtney Hades.

She walked and stood an inch above with ridiculous stiluettes. Then she bitch slapped me across the face.

I looked up at her. While the back of my hand against my cheek.

"That is for slapping Karry. "

I rolled my eyes of course him again.

She almost slapped me again I stopped her in mid slap. "Now what's this slap for? " I ask innocently.

She tugged her wrist in attempt to pulled it away from my death grip.

"Let go of me, bitch" I let go of her and she stumbles then fell on her but.

"Suit yourself. " in shrugged. "Your shoes are ridiculous. "

I walked away. Sueann was quicklybon my side. "Why didn't you return the favor?" she asked.

I shrugged and said. "I don't need to just sit back and relax. Karma will do the dirty stuff for me. "

She nods her head in agreement."True. "

I went for my first class. I can't believe it that bitch Courtney is in my fucking class too. This is a small world. Karry too is in this class.

Could my life get any worse? Beside my usual seat is Karry. Why? Out of all the seats he had to choose the seat beside me. I inwardly groaned.

I dragged Suaenn with me. "Come on. " I plopped down on my seat.

Karry seemed to Have a very good eyesight. "Did someone just slapped you? "

I didn't say anything. I could feel his blood boiling with anger. " Why are you angry anyway? " I ask ridiculesly. What's his problem anyways? I got slapped its my own problem.

Karry is angrier than I thought he yelled "Because I care about you! " I rolled my eyes ignoring him.

The bell rang while the teacher walk in. Not before long someone made an dramatic entrance with that ridiculous stiluettes of hers. Yes, you guessed right Cortney the slut.

She clicked her heels and leaned in the teacher while her buttis hanging for the boys to drool over her sexy lace underwear.

"I'm sorry James I have girls errands to do. " she said with a seductive voice even the teacher stuttered.

I face palm with my hands. This teacher is unbelievable. "It's.. O.. Okay go to your seat... Mrs Hades."

I face palm again. Who is the damn adult here? The teacher or the bitch?

People theses days.

Courtney clicked her stiluettes not while shaking her hips to entertain the boys. Karry is the only one who is not hooked up with her shows. She walked up to a girl that sits infringement of Karry and said loudly. "Get away bitch. Or I'm gonna humiliate you until you wouldn't dare to come to school. " that poor girl hurriedly scurried away.

Drama queen. No... Drama bitch. Much better.

She plops down and sits smiling.

Throughout the whole class she kept sending Karry seductive smiles and me glares. Surprisingly Karry is not up for her craps. I silently thank him for that.

I'm not up for seeing them go on full session make out. It's disgusting.

After class end. I stood up preparing to leave but Karry stooped me. "What? " I said annoyed by the fact that I can't leave him. "Tell . Me. Who. Slapped. You. " he said slowly.

Yup he is seriously angry.

I sighed loudly than shouted at him "It was Courtney okay. Happy now?"

I yanked out of his grasp. Then stood there. While we are having that little chit chat of course the bitch Courtney is listening. Just as I exposed her she jumps in and holds Karry's arm.

"Babe she was being a slut by following you everywhere." Courtney fake pouted.

I widened my eyes.

Oh it's on you want a fight? A fight you will get!

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