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So here are some prompts for you guys to pick from, just pick one and one of the ffxv guys n I'll write it!! Simply as that!!
(All prompts from @prompt-bank on Tumblr)

1 -"That's starting to get annoying"

2 - "Hey, hey, calm down. They can't hurt you anymore."

3 - "You can't just sit there all day."

4 - "I'm too sober for this."

5 - "I'm not here to make friends."

6 - "I need a place to stay."

7-"Well, that's tragic."

8-"You're seriously like a man-child."

9 - "You can't banish me! This is my bed too!"

10 - "The ladies love a guy who's good with kids."

11 - "She's hiding behind the sofa."

12 - "I lost our baby."

13 - "They're so cute when they're asleep."

14 - "I'd kill for a coffee...literally."

15 - "You're getting crumbs all over my bed."
16 - "Good thing I didn't ask for your opinion."

17 - "What's the matter, sweetie?"

18 - "You're Satan."

19 - "I don't want to hear your excuse. You can't just give me wet-willies."

20 - "I'm bulletproof...but please, don't shoot me."

21 - "Did you just hiss at me?"

22 - "Do you really need all that candy?"

23 - "It's six o'clock in the morning, you're not having vodka."

24 - "I swear, I'm not crazy!!!"

25 - "The diamond in your engagement ring is fake."

26 - "No. Regrets."

27 - "How drunk was I?"

28 - "How is my wife more badass than me?"

29 - "Be you. No one else can."

30 - "I haven't slept in ages."

31 - "I locked the keys in the car."

32 - "Are you sure that's the decision you want to make?"

33 - "You work for me. You are my slave."

34 - "Take your medicine."

35 - "They're monsters."

36 - "Welcome to fatherhood."

37 - "Why can't you appreciate my sense of humor?"

38 - "It's your turn to make dinner."

39 - "The kids, they ambushed me."

40 - "Sorry isn't going to help when I kick your ass!!!"

41 - "Stop being so cute."

42 - "I feel like I can't breathe."

43 - "You need to see a doctor."

44 - "You're getting a vasectomy. That's final."

45 - "It was a joke, baby. I swear."

46 - "Dogs don't wear clothes!"

47 - "I didn't think you could get any less romantic..."

48 - "Safety first. What are you? FIVE?"

49 - "This is girl talk, so leave."

50 - "Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?"

51 - "There's a herd of them!"

52 - "Do you think I'm scared of a woman?"

53 - "They're not your kids, back the f*ck off."

54 - "You're a nerd."

55 - "I'm late."

56 - "Just get home as soon as possible, okay?!"

57 - "You smell like a wet dog."

58 - "I could punch you right now."

59 - "Are you going to talk to me?"

60 -"Welcome back. Now fucking help me."

61 - "If you can't sleep...we could have sex?"

62 - "Flea markets don't carry fleas, you know?"

63 - "Here, take my blanket."

64 - "I don't want you to stop."

65 - "How could I ever forget about you?"

66 - "You're bleeding all over my carpet."

67 - "Run for it!"

68 - "We need to talk."

69 - "Not everyone is out to get you. Stop thinking that. It's annoying."

70 - "I want a pet."

71 - "Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now."

72 - "I'm not wearing a dress."

73 - "I'm not wearing a tie."

74 - "Quit beating me up!"

75 - "Don't argue. Just do it."

76 - "Hold still."

77 - "Enough with the sass!"

78 - "Show me what's behind your back."

79 - "I'm not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor."

80 - "Fine, don't say anything and make me worry."

81 - "Stay awake."


83 - "You're not interested, are you?"

84 - "Tell me you need me."

85 - "Oh honey, I'd never be jealous of you."

86 - "I'm telling you. I'm haunted."

87 - "I had a bad dream again."

88 - "Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween."

89 - "It's Christmas, don't be mad at me."

90 - "You're not going to starve yourself on Thanksgiving."

91 - "How could you forget your son's birthday?"

92 - "You can only suffer through my whining for so long until you get up and make me a sandwich."

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