Somethings Never Change (Jimin x Reader)

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Warning: Contains mentioning of abuse 

What is this feeling? The world was going dark. Her footsteps were heavy as they slapped the floor beneath her. Tears kissed her cold cheeks. Faded marks of wrinkles surrounded her pale lip that formed a thin line, her smile was long gone. Her surroundings blurred.

Why was her hand warm? Removing the bony hand from her abdomen she studied the red liquid grasping onto it. Yet the (H/C) haired girl kept walking.

Her footsteps were on their own. Where was everyone? The wind whistled past her dragging the fresh tears diagonally. The rain clung to her hair. The cold bit her long arms. Her tears and the rain had mixed together upon her cheeks.

A raspy cough erupted from her mouth the taste of copper followed before spilling out onto the floor beneath her. She observed the crimson puddle in front of her. Brushing it off she continued down the grey street.

"(Y/N)!" a voice called out. The voice was muffled and unclear yet it repeated again. She kept her steps going. Again the voice called this time clear making the girl freeze before looking towards it.

With steady footsteps a tall boy approached her. His hair was a bright apricot colour, it was clear it had been dyed. His body was hugged by a bright blue jacket. Underneath was a white hoodie covering his head. A smile clung on his face making his eyes small slits.

The smile dropped when the girl, (Y/N) turned to face him. The once joyful eyes widened as they flooded with fear. His footsteps sped up before he broke into a sprint. The puddles beneath him moving out the way as the shoes came in contact with the ground.

Despite the pain the girl smiled at the boy, Jimin. He was the only pain killer she needed at this moment.

"(Y/N)!?" the boy yelled. His voice was laced with concern for the girl. His firm hands held her slim shoulders. Her knees started giving way yet the smile was imprinted on her face as her eyes met his dark eyes. "You idiot why are you smiling now?" the boy whimpered trying to keep calm. His body shook. His blood pumping. The girl stayed silent the smile fading slightly.

Jimin's eyes trailed towards the blood stained white top. Lifting it up slightly his eyes took in the sight. A big slice had been taken from her stomach letting the blood run freely. A small gasp escaped the boy's plump lips.

Her body was painted in bruises. Scars tattooed onto her frail figure.

"H-how did this..." Jimin trailed off unable to finish. Shock washed over him.

"It was him wasn't it?" Jimin growled thinking of said man. (Y/N) just nodded slightly in response.

"We have to get you to a hospital instantly!" The boy shot his hand into his pocket dragging out a phone before placing the object to his ear. "Hello? I need your help straight away my friend is hurt badly!" Jimin rushed. The voice on the other side was calm. "Don't tell me to calm down when she could die!" he yelled furrowing his eyebrows together.

His words were unclear to the pale girl resting her head on his lap. The world was going dark. "No! No! No! (Y/N)! Don't close your eyes! Please!" Jimin cried out now letting the tears come out in waves rolling down his perfectly structured face.

They say your life flashes before your eyes. (Y/N) was remembering how this all started.


"Jimin get down from there!" The small (H/C) haired girl cried out half covering her eyes but still watching the young boy.

"Come on (Y/N) get up here!" The young boy giggled from the branch he perched on. (Y/N) looked up examining the cherry blossom.

"Jimine it is getting dark!" (Y/N) whined at the boy who cringed from the chosen nickname "I told you not to call me that!" The boy growled pushing his brown hair back with his small hand whist completely ignoring the girl's last statement.

(Y/N)'s eyes met the ground. Tears swelled up in her (E/C) orbs. Her attention turned to the short boy that was still in the tree "Jimin...I don't like the dark it is scary" she cried. Her fragile hands cupped her eyes. Suddenly the girl felt warmth next to her figure. Before the girl could see who or what was beside her a pair of arms cadged her into a hug. "I am sorry (Y/N). Let's go!" Jimin pouted intertwining his fingers with hers before they both started walking.

The two kids approached a medium house with light flooding out the door and windows. As their footsteps approached the door was flung open. Jimin's grip on the girls hand tightened as a tall man stepped out.

"Where have you been!?" The man roared making (Y/N) tense whilst Jimin's brows laced together. The man's hair was a flint colour. His face was painted in wrinkles whilst his eyes held dark circles beneath them. His hand gripping onto a half empty bottle.

The man marched towards the kids. Once close enough his hand clamped onto (Y/N)'s wrist. The girl flinched at the iron grip. Her body growing smaller as she was dragged back to the house. Her screams could be heard for miles yet Jimin stood. Frozen in shock. "(Y-Y/N)?" He stuttered remembering the strong smell of alcohol from a few minutes ago 


"(Y/N)?" a familiar voice whispered. It was bright. Too bright. Her eyes slowly opened, burning from the light. In a state of panic she tried to push herself up only to be stopped by a piercing sensation burning her skin. Taking in her surroundings she noticed the location she was in was a hospital. But why? (Y/N) felt pressure on her left hand. Turning to that direction her eyes caught onto the bright figure, Jimin. A smile crawled across her face as the tears leaked out her eyes as she remembered why she was here. That smile was returned by the boy. That smile. Even after all those years. Never changed

"I swear I will always protect you (Y/N)"

Authors Note: Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed, sorry for any mistakes made. Might do more chapters but they will be one shots with other members most likely. Tell me what you think. Thanks ^-^

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