Selfish and Cruel (A Yuri On Ice Story)

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Note: This was written before the last few episodes aired, so that's why there's no mention of the rings or JJ's fiance. Just consider it part of the alternate universe!

Snow blew into Yuri's face, bitter and wet. It hadn't yet begun to pile up on the streets, but the dark gray clouds overhead suggested that the weather would only be getting worse. Yuri wished, for the thousandth time, that he could check the weather forecast on his phone. But even if the internet was still up and running, even if someone out there was still giving weather reports, Yuri would never waste the precious remaining battery life of his phone for that.

He tightened the scarf around his neck and adjusted the face mask covering his nose and mouth. The last thing Yuri needed was to get sick. He shifted his backpack from his right shoulder to his left and continued walking down the empty sidewalk, where tattered Christmas decorations still hung limply from the darkened street lamps. It was late afternoon, and Yuri had to make it back to the bus before nightfall.

As he passed by a small sweets shop, Yuri paused and glanced through the window. The various cupcakes and candies were ruined, but he wondered if they had supplies in the back that could be useful. It wasn't an obvious place to look, so there was a good chance the place hadn't been ransacked already. Yuri held his backpack in his hand to feel the weight, judging if he'd gathered enough goods to make his trip worthwhile. Two cans of peaches. Three cans of smoked salmon. A bag of salted peanuts and three packs of dried banana chips. No water, but if the snow kept up they could catch piles of it and let it melt over a fire. Besides, there were at least six bottles left on the bus. They could make it a few more days at least.

Yuri stared at the door to the sweets shop for several moments, trying to decide what to do. Finally, he reached out and pulled the door open, then reached one hand inside to bang on the wall. After a lengthy silence, Yuri sighed in relief and stepped through the open door. He passed by pink shelves of spoiled treats and walked around behind the glass counter, which doubled as a display case for cakes and cookies, and came to a brightly colored wooden door that obviously led to the kitchen.

There was a moment of anxiety and fear as Yuri placed his hand on the doorknob. Before turning it, he pressed one ear against the door and listened. There were none of the telltale sounds he'd come to recognize as warning signs: shuffling footsteps, bangs and clangs, strained moans. He twisted the knob and pulled the door open, quickly taking in the room with his eyes. It was empty of people, and empty of them.

Moving through the room, Yuri found cans of fruit pie filling, powdered milk, and best of all, two jugs of water. There was a clock on the wall that Yuri emptied of its batteries, as well as a large chef's knife that could definitely come in handy. After gathering everything useful, Yuri squatted down and began shoving items into his backpack, which held everything but the water. Yuri pulled a small length of rope from the side pocket of his pack and tied the two jugs together, then tied them to his belt. He had to keep at least one hand free at all times, in case he ran into trouble on the way back.

Yuri made one more sweep of the room, to make sure he didn't miss anything, before stepping back into the front area of the shop. Cold wind struck him in the face, and he realized with horror that he'd left the glass door open. He swiftly glanced around to make sure he was still alone, then headed toward the open door. Just as he reached it, he caught a glimpse of movement on the sidewalk outside. Yuri froze in place, waiting, terror sliding down his spine. He'd come face to face with them before, and had learned how to deal with them, but it was always a frightening experience. Always.

The thing that used to be a person, the walking corpse, lurched its way into the shop, heading straight for Yuri. It had been a man, and wore the stained, torn remains of a business suit. One arm had been been reduced to bones, the flesh and muscle having been chewed off. What remained of the man's skin was pallid and loosely hanging on his body. Yuri slowly backed away and moved around the glass counter. He'd figured out early on that putting any sort of obstacle between himself and the corpses was an excellent way to buy time. It usually took them several minutes of walking straight into the obstruction before they managed to climb over or go around. So while the corpse repeatedly slammed into the counter, its rotting arms outstretched toward Yuri's throat, he pulled the chef's knife from his backpack.

Yuri On Ice Zombie Apocalypse AU Fanfic: Selfish and CruelWhere stories live. Discover now