Part 2

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*3 Hours Earlier*

Vicky's P.O.V.

I got to know Alex and Zach a little more. Zach was single. I could look into that just kidding (maybe).Alex had fallen asleep in the first 10 minutes we were in the air so it was only me and Zach talking.

"So did you and Alex come by yourselves?" I asked him

"No we came with two other friends, Austin and Robert. I guess our seats got separated, they're sitting on the other side up 3 rows." He explained and pointed to where Nicky was sitting. I guessed neither of us got sucky seats.

"My friend is sitting in the same row as them. Are you guys here for summer vacation or visiting someone?"

"Actually, Austin is filming his music video and we're going to be in it." I tilted my head a little showing him I was a little confused.

"Maybe his last name will ring a bell. Austin- Austin Mahone?" he asked unsure if I knew who he was talking about.

"Austin Mahone, the one that got discovered on YouTube, who sang Justin Bieber's Mistletoe?" I asked with a little extra excitement in my voice.

Zach nodded:"That's him."

"That's so cool!" I smiled at him and looked at Austin and Nicky up front.

"Actually, It's so cool how your friend hasn't freaked out like all his other fans." I laughed a little.

"She probably doesn't realize it's him. She's a fan believe me. She listens to his songs all the time, but she doesn't really pay attention to artist's looks like that."

"Ahhh I see." Zach replied looking up front as well.

We talked for a little bit longer then fell asleep.

*12 AM*

Nicky's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of the flight attendant's voice over the loud speaker.

"Attention passengers, we will be landing so please fasten your seat belts and prepare for landing!"

I saw that Austin was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him up so I put his seat belt on for him.

He moved a little then went back to sleep. He looks familiar in a way, but I couldn't tell from where. Oh well.

I turned my head to look at Robert. I couldn't tell if he was awake or asleep, but then he turned his gaze to me with a serious look.

"Fair warning. I'm getting you and Austin back. Assholes." He said.

"We had to entertain ourselves in some way." I laughed quietly to not wake up Austin.

"And it had to involve my face?" He motioned his face and started laughing quietly as well.

"Maayyybeee." I said and he just shook his head.

Nicky's P.O.V.

I got off the plane with Austin since I haven't seen Vittoria since we boarded the plane. We were walking in an awkward silence until Austin broke it.

"Where are you going to stay?" He sounded a bit....I don't know....shy?

"So now you're stalking me?" I looked at him and laughed a little.

He laughed as well, "Pshh..what?..nooo....I'm not a stalker, I'm actually the one that's always getting stalked."

"Who would want to stalk you!?" I asked playfully.

"My Mahomies.?" He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"That's a word?" I mocked the face he did.

"You don't know who I you?" He sounded kind of surprised

"Yeeeaaaa....Your Austin and I'm Nicky" I replied still confused with what he meant.

"You have no clue! Haha I'm Austin-Austin Mahone.? I sing 'Say Somethin' and 'Say You're Just A Friend'." That's when it clicked.

"I knew you looked familiar! I just wasn't sure. I love your songs and your voice is amazing! I'm so sorry haha!"

I've always liked Austin's songs I just never paid much attention to celebrities. They're just normal people and that's how I was going to continue treating him.

"Haha! Its fine. We should keep going ,I need to find the rest of the crew and I guess you need to find....Vicky, right?"

"Yeah! Let's go." I grabbed his wrist and we went on the hunt for the 'crew' and Vittoria.

We saw her and Zach buying some coffee at Starbucks. We were struggling with our luggage, but we reached them.

Summer love with AustinWhere stories live. Discover now