December 6, 2016

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Ok here is my first ever start to my vlog. So as some of you know my birthday is in one whole month from now and im super duper excited because ill be 17. Time flies and im glad i can share my birthday with all of you.

So i jus moved a couple of months ago from the wonderful stone mountain high to rome high and im not saying its horrible but i miss alot of people. You know a little homesick. Also i got my first job here and its not that bad. I make a good pay and you know its worth it.

At this new school , me being a junior and all, i have to take sophomore classes because i did their junior classes in my sophomore year. Its not that bad and everything is jus so different. People here are not as nice and fun as the people in stone mountain. When i go to a school i want to see some action but its literally none here and its a bit boring. But my parents wanted to go to the middle of nowhere so im stuck here.

And thats my vlog for today and hope to see u guys again. Peace.

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