Hot Chocolate

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"Oh God.  This was a mistake."  Amelia breathed, stepping out onto the sidewalk.  The October air was freezing, and she was still in her wrinkly clothes from the day before.  Knowing she couldn't go back to the flat, Amelia simply blended into the sea of busy pedestrians and began her walk.  

Considering she had no idea where she was, Amelia decided to stop at a little cafe a couple of blocks away.  The heat in the cafe was on full blast, warming the teenager's freezing hands and face.

Without thinking, Amelia immediately stepped up to the counter and greeted the barista.  

"Hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, please" she smiled, tucking her ebony hair behind her ear.  Slipping her hand into her pants pocket, her smile quickly faded.  Realizing the only money she had was American currency, Amelia had no choice but to search her borrowed jacket for spare change.  

Fumbling with crumpled bills and miscellaneous coins, Amelia did her best to figure out how much the small pile of money was worth.  Realizing she was holding up the line, she turned to the barista with an embarrassed expression.  

"Um, I'm not really from around here.  I have no idea how British currency works.  Do I have enough for the hot chocolate?"  She blushed, wanting nothing more than to disappear.  Thankfully, the young man behind the counter took the money from her hands and smiled, handing her back the extra change without saying a word.  

Taking the drink from his hands, Amelia thanked the understanding barista and took a seat towards the back of the room.  Knowing she would eventually have to pay John back for the money she stole from his jacket, she grabbed a napkin from the counter and a discarded pen that had been left on the table.  

"I. O. U." she scribbled, shoving the napkin into the same pocket the money had been found in.  

Glancing up at the clock on the wall, Amelia knew she would have to leave soon.  But the cafe was warm and cozy, plus she had nowhere else to turn.  Wandering the streets alone isn't safe for any teenage girl, let alone a lost tourist with a head injury.  

Sadly, Amelia's little adventure had been cut short by an exasperated doctor stepping into the building. 

Walking up to the barista, John still seemed the slightest out of breath.

"Have you seen a sixteen year old girl around here with dark curly hair, dark eyes, and an American accent?" He questioned, his eyes scanning the room.  Immediately, the man behind the counter pointed towards the back of the room, where Amelia was slouching further down into her seat to avoid the uncomfortable eye contact. 

Knowing there was nowhere to hide, Amelia sat up straight and looked up at the disgruntled soldier in front of her.  

"Hello John" she sighed, taking a long sip from her hot chocolate.  John didn't immediately reply, taking a seat across from the girl instead.

"Amelia, why did you run off?" He frowned, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.  

"I don't know."

"No, you do know.  You're just avoiding my question.  So I'll ask again.  Why did you run off?" John stated, this time with far more frustration in his voice.  

Amelia could've easily crafted another perfectly reasonable lie, but the exhausted girl couldn't be bothered to try.  So instead, she took the easiest path and went with the truth.

"Sherlock pissed me off.  I don't like being ordered around, and I won't take orders from others unless I'm forced to." she stated, her bitter tone slicing through the air like a knife. Expecting a reply, Amelia stared at the doctor until he spoke again.

"Very well" he nodded, shaking his head as he stood up from the uncomfortable looking chair.  "I'm going back to Baker Street.  I'd recommend that you follow, but since you don't like being ordered around, I'll leave the decision up to you."  And with that, Watson turned around and exited the cafe; Amelia not far behind. 



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