the new girl

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"Everyone this is the new student Alexa bliss" Mr Michaels announced to the class

Dean couldn't help but stare at the 5'1 beauty as she said hello to the class 'she's so perfect' dean thought as he looked down at his text book

"Bout time you stopped drooling Ambrose" Seth said as he turned around to look at dean

"Whatever sethie"Dean said to his childhood friend and chuckled at the annoyed look in Seth's face as he hates the nickname dean gave him in middle school

"Do you think she's hot" dean asked

"Well considering I don't like women,no she's not that hot to me but if I was straight then yeah she's pretty cute"Seth answered "do you like her"

"I don't really know her but she seems pretty cool"dean answered as he watched Alexa learn everyone's names

"And you'll be seated next to dean ambrose over in the back corner"he told the new student pointing in deans direction

"Yes sir" Alexa says as she makes her way to the seat next to dean

"Looks like your girls sitting next to you deano" Seth says

"Fuck off Rollins"dean says in a annoyed tone

Seth simply chuckles at his friend.

"Hello I'm Alexa bliss" she says with a smile as she offers her hand to dean

"Um hi I'm dean ambrose"he says awkwardly while he shakes her hand reveling at how soft her hand is and smiling back showing his dimples

"Aww your dimples are so cute"she says and lightly pokes one of them before sitting down

"Uh thanks I guess" he says as he touches his cheek

"Can I see your schedule?" Alexa asks the auburn haired boy


"We have all the same classes together"she says with a smile and looks at dean waiting his reaction

"Cool"dean says looking back at her

Their eyes lock for a moment and they have some weird interaction with one and other that neither can explain

"Will you two stop eye fucking each other" Seth says

"Can it Rollins" dean says a bit angry at his friend for ruining the moment

Alexa laughs at the two boys and goes back to looking at Dean

"Why do you keep looking at me" Dean asks after she'd been looking at him for like 2 minutes

"I guess I like looking at you"she answers somewhat embarrassed

"Umm ok I guess" dean says shocked

"Sorry if it made you uncomfortable dean"she says

"Your ok Alexa"he says


Soon after that the bell rings and Mr michaels tells everyone to go

"Looks like you'll have to escort me to our next class dean" Alexa says smiling at dean

"Uh I guess so" dean says smiling back and standing up while putting his stuff away

After going to there next couple of classes

" so where do you eat lunch dean" the blond asks

"Under a tree next to the football field" he answers

"Can I eat with you?"

"Uh sure"

"Are you sure? cause I don't want invade your personal space or anything I mean we don't really know each other and you seem a bit reserved"

"Alexa your OK you can sit with me if anyone is gonna invade my space I'm glad it's you"dean says hoping to reassure her

"Ok thank you"she says with a bright smile

*time skip to the end of the school day*

Dean was about to start his walk home when some one tapped on his shoulder he turned around to see Alexa looking up at him

"Witch way do you walk home dean" she asks

"This way" he says as he point's behind him

"Me too, wanna walk together?"

"Sure I don't see why not"

When they make it to Alexa's house witch is on the way to  deans house

"Thanks for walking with me and showing me around the school and all around being nice to me today dean" Alexa says smiling up at him

"No problem Alexa"he says back with a smile of his own while turning to leave

"Hey dean" she calls out to him


"Do you think we walk to and from school together every day?"

"Sure Alexa"

"OK see you in the morning then dean"

"Yeah bye alexa"

A/n there's chapter one

Blissbrose High schoolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon