getting to know each other

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Dean had just gotten out of the shower when Alexa texted him saying she was on her way, he texted back saying ok and he started to straighten his house up

He had time to throw on some jeans and a black T-shirt, he then sat down and awaited her arrival

When dean heard a knock at the door, he went and opened it

He looked Alexa up and down to see she was wearing a white shirt cropped tank top with a tight fitting black long sleeved shirt under it and distressed light blue skinny jeans and her hair was down, red tips going past her collar bone

Alexa looked dean up and down as well noticing that his chest was a bit more defined then she thought

she realized she staring before he did and cleared her throat

Dean looked up his face red with embarrassment, Alexa's face looking the same

"Um sorry sorry I didn't mean to stare"he says while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck

"It's OK dean I was starting too so I should apologize too" Alexa says hoping to ease his embarrassment

"OK I guess"dean replies still looking pretty embarrassed about the situation

After a few moments of silence

"Do you want to come in?" He asks

"Yeah good idea"she answers with a smile

"So do you want to sit on the couch or in my room?" Dean asks

Alexa looks at him raises her eyebrow and asks "dean is that the polite way to try and get me in your bedroom while you mom isn't here?"

Dean shorts in laughter and answers
"Very funny Alexa, now seriously where do you want to sit?"

"I guess your room" she answers

"OK fine bye me" Dean says

During the 3 hours of them talking
Dean had told Alexa about his lack of knowing his father and how his mother always worked so hard to provide for him, he told her that he was the only child and all the things he had to do to avoid getting beaten up by the older kids in his neighborhood and how some times he just had to man up and take the beating.

"Did this all happen here in Florida dean?"she asks concerned that he might still have to deal

"No this was when I was 12-14 back when we lived in Cincinnati, we came here to start a new life and my mom landed a good paying job at the furniture place downtown" he explains

"OK good"

"Your turn Alexa"

(A/n idk that much about Alexa bliss real life so this is a sort of original back story sorry)

Alexa told dean that her parents were together and she had a relatively normal child hood the only down part was that she was bullied really badly at school it was all about bull shit really but it still hurt
She told him him alot of guys used to get rub from their friends

"I'm sorry those guys did that to you Alexa you deserve way better than that" dean says while patting her on the shoulder

The simple touch sent chills down Alexa's whole body and she resisted the urge to shiver

After a little more talking they decided that it was best for Alexa to go home and just as Alexa was about to say bye to dean she saw him putting  his shoes on, he noticed her looking

"I'm gonna walk you home" he says

"Dean you don't have to do that"

"I want to do it"

"OK" Alexa says smiling up at him

When they make it to Alexa's house she turn around and hugs dean standing in her tippy goes so she can wrap her arms around deans neck
And after getting over the shock he wraps his arms around her waist

"Good night dean"

"Good night Alexa"

A/n boom chapter 3

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