Break and Sven's friends(mon)

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When the lesson was over everyone stampeded out of the class, even faster than they did in the previous class, (including me). My plan was to follow the biggest group of people again but this time everyone went in different directions leaving me in the middle of the path not having any idea what to do next. Lucky (or unluckily, I'm not quite sure)for me, Sven didn't forget about me and was waiting behind me.

"You done looking lost yet?" he said with an amused expression of his face. I turned around, to face him, still with my lost expression. Sven gave a little gust of air, shook his head and casually walked past me but soon looked back for me to catch up.

We sat on a concrete bench that was positioned on the top of, what looked like, large stairs. These were placed all along the one side of the main sports field for people to sit on and watch any sports competition that's on. We hadn't even been siting there for three minutes when I heard Sven's friends calling him again. I looked at Sven and saw his sigh and slowly close his eyes then, with a flurry of fake emotions, he turned to face his friends with a big smile and said "Sup' guys!"

"We've been looking for you, Man! Why didn't you come to our normal siting spot?"

"I thought a new year a new place." Sven said convincing, but I could see through his character. His five friends suddenly barged into the bench, pushing me to the edge, almost throwing me off, as if I wasn't even there. Sven managed to throw me one glance, of I'm sorry, before the wall of his friends closed all the gaps. We sat like that for the remaining twenty minutes.

The bell went unnoticed by the five boys, but Sven was up on his feet and packing my break back into my bag for me, the second he heard it. His friends just stared at him as if he had gone mental.

"Sorry, guys, but I can't have P.G. being late for her first lesson." Sven said picking up both our bags and starting to walk away.

"You were chosen to be her guide?" one boy said running his fingers through his hair.

"Yes, M.C., I was."

"So that's why your hanging out with that dork." Another one said. This made me feel sick.

"Not nice, T.Y." Sven shot back with a stern look. The five friends looked confused at each other. Turning around, Sven apologised for his friends and led me to our next class.

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