Chapter Seven

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A few days later...

I sat up and winced, turns out I've got a broken rib and a bruised eye. My lip is getting better now but I still cant breathe properly but at least Tyler cant get me here. Im at home now and Adam is sitting on the end of my bed. My old scars have healed but I have new ones now, I tried really I did but I couldn't help it. My mum wants me to see some counsellor or something, Adam's relationship with Sauli isn't going very well.

Its because of the fact that Adam has been round mine for the past few days, Im also not going back to school. Im transferring to a different one, Im not safe at brownhill anymore. Im transferring to Lakewood academy now, my new uniform has arrived yes a uniform. Its some burgundy blazer, black trousers, a burgundy tie and a crisp white shirt.

Adam didn't want me to go but he got that I had to, I start in a couple of days. "So TJ what did you mean when you said you cant have to guy you love?" Adam questioned. Ahh crap he remembered, "oh nothing just ignore it" I said blushing slightly. "You know I will get it out of you" Adam said smiling his perfect smile making my heart skip a beat. "Yeah, yeah Adam" I said yawning, "Are your pain killers kicking in?" Adam asked. I nodded "Yeah I want to sleep now, you can go if you like" I said nestling into my pillow.

2 days later...

Today is my first at a new school, I climbed out of bed and pulled on my horrible new uniform. I took two of my pain killers and headed downstairs, "Morning Tommy looking forward to your first day?" my dad asked as I sat down at the table. "Yeah I guess so" I answered munching on some toast. Once I was done I grabbed my bag, my dad insisted on taking me to school.

We pulled up outside a brick building, it was massive! Kids of all shapes and sizes blended together in matching uniforms, I swallowed and walked towards the building. A tall brown haired guy came over to me while I was waiting for my dad to finish with the head. "Hey there Im guessing you're new right?" he asked blinking his green eyes at me, I stared at him who was he? "Erm yeah, how did you guess?" I asked putting my head to the side. "Well you went off into your own world, you look terrified like you're about to throw up and your tie is on wrong" he said.

"Got it in one, im starting a new school halfway through the semester" I said, "Its cool, i'll show you around if you like" he said. "Thanks thats kind but I dont even know your name" I said. "Oh my bad, my name is Sam. If you want me to show you around meet me in the library break time" He said sorting out my tie and winking at me.

I smiled after him, he was pretty hot im not going to lie. He was totally straight though, and besides I still loved Adam im not going to just be with someone because I cant have the guy I love. My dad came out an the head teacher introduced himself to me, "Hello Tommy im Mr ainsfield" he said shaking my hand. "My name is Tommy Joe actually" I said as my dad said goodbye and left.

Part of me wanted to run after him but I had to deal with this whole new school thing. The head teacher walked me around the school showing me all my classrooms, then he left me in my new english class. Everyone smiled at me as I sat down and looked down at my book, it felt awkward..

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