Book One of Wars of Immortal Mortals

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Happy Fun Time

Chapter One

 It's dark. Why is it so dark? "Hello, is anyone in here" I called out. I got no response. I sighed this is going to be a long night. I was sent here to retrieve some important papers. They did not say what for but I will get a fortune if I do it. What could the papers be I wondered. I mean this is just some random hospital. I have been walking this hallway for a long time now and still have only seen doors to patients' rooms. One had a creepy mermaid doll. I did not care for that particular room but it did have this cool glass thingy you wear over your ear. What? The glass part has just started flashing things. Well at least it doesn't look so dark in here anymore. I see something this glass thing is giving me access to it. I jumped back as a rough voice started from the thing. It was slow and full of crackling noises. They said the old people here were advanced but seriously a thing that you could put your voice in and this weird glass thing I think might be a one eyeglasses that has flashing lights and stuff. This is insane. Well anyway here are what the voice is saying "Hello, is anyone listening. If so leave this place before it gets you too. I was sent in to get some files. They said it was very important. They said get it from The Rainbow Girl whatever that means. I hid the files in the basement in a box like The Rainbow Girl told me but then they attacked us. I found out why she was called The Rainbow Girl it was because she can flash away in rainbow light and her hair is every color in the rainbow. She told me to run and escape. I ran now I am stuck here. Take my advice and run before they get you too." I looked on the other side of the room and saw a body with a half metal skull next to a torn paper. The same contract I have in my bag. I do not know what to do because this job had gotten that poor guy dead. But on the other hand he betrayed them resulting on them killing him. What should I do? Give them the files or run now? If I run they might catch me. Who I wondered is this Rainbow Girl? "What the" I whisper as I see a big red button that in big white letters read PUSH TO OPEN------------. I had no idea what it opened so I pushed it. Out of the walls a god came along with hundreds of other gods. The lead one said with a large booming voice"Kill the human." I ran. It turns out this is the basement and I just woke up something really bad. It turns out these gods were not true gods for they had body parts of others. Two had pinned me to a wall and then disappeared after saying Fun Time to me. Now there is a wizard boy with mismatching wings."They said you killed my mommy and daddy. They said you took my sister. You are even wearing her ear piece." The little boy cried. I saw he had a green one almost identical to the one I am wearing. The boy attacked me and he had a dagger. I took the fire axe on the wall with my magic and chopped his limbs off. I did not want to kill a child. His wings! Then I calmed down he could not fly with those wings they were just too big. I ran some more. This became a game of hide and seek. The creatures would hide while seeking for me. I have entered a different part of the building. The lead fake gods has me cornered but cannot get any closer. Now I can see he has one orange wing and one green wing and a blue wand. His hair is white with purple and red stripes. His fate mark was cut off then sew on inside out. I started to hum an old tune to calm me. I heard someone singing along with me. I wish I hadn't dropped the axe. I made a run for it. Out of nowhere a sea monster slammed into the fake god. I ran into a room with a picture of the ocean on it. Bad idea it is full of water. And I cannot swim. There was shallow water at the entrance. There are shadows in the door ways here. The fake god is still chasing me. I don't know what to do.
 I have been running. And running. The walls are blue as the sea but what lurks is even more. The creatures are sea blue, ocean green, or coral pink with long fish tales some even have rows of sharp teeth. All of them can walk on land. I think some are helping me or just slowing down the fake gods. Sadly the ones who are not, are listening to the fake gods. Those ones are trying to kill me or capture me I don't know which. Just my luck right in front of me is the lead fake god. He is breathing heavily. The fake god is covered in cuts. Almost all are fresh and dripping blood. He is saying something it sounds like this..."Plea-- ---- the fear" Then he screamed in agony. Worse then it turned into laughter. As he was laughing he was spitting out blood. I screamed. I ran. I did not look back. What had he said? Something about fear? What does this all mean? I am so confused. "What is this place? What happened here? Who made everyone like this? Someone please tell me. I don't know what to do. Nothing makes sense anymore." I cried out into the empty hallway with just one door. I broke down in tears. Today I had chopped a little boy's legs off as he was crying for his family. I woke up something bad. Wait. What is that noise. I felt the ground shake and heard a load roar. Now I have to deal with dragons. I sighed an got up and ran through the door. Flames flashed right in front of me. I fell back. The door had already shut on me. I screamed in pain as the door caught my leg and the fire licked at my head. I managed to get my leg free with only some skin left behind. Sadly it was right as the dragon wait human? Well what ever it was it did not see me or care. It was to busy burning one of the fake gods. I made a run for it. There was tons of these dragon people flying around. Most were killing fake gods. But some were attacking the ones fighting the fake gods. Had I started a war? Or had I just woke the fighters. Either way I better run. I once again ran away. One day I must stop running and help fix the mess I made. After I get the papers. I just want to go home. This is not worth it. Never will be either. I cannot be forgiven ever. I have attacked a little boy who didn't even have his fate mark yet
 I have left the dragon people and fake gods behind. I walk these halls. Something had light the place up so the eye thing is in my bag. If I see that boy again I will give it to him. If he didn't bleed to death. The fake gods do not seem the caring type. I stopped there was right in front of me the sea monster who tackled the fake god leader. She was just a little girl almost identical to the boy. Looks and age wise. She did not have her fate mark. She had a metal wrist band with her name on it Rose. This is the name on the eye thing. I gave it to her and said"Sorry about your brother." She said in a soft gentle voice "I know" She just walked away Now I'm really confused. The normal response when meeting someone who hurt your family is to attack. Why did she just leave? Who would do this to kids? How did she know I am sorry? I screamed in frustration. I said out loud"Who ever did this will pay". There right in front of me was the boy only with metal limbs now. I said to him "I'm sorry". I started to sob but then a voice behind me said"Chadiato now knows the truth. You were not the one it was Strings the dark lords' King" I looked back in surprise. There was a female demon with metal skin wearing a black cloak so I could not see any thing else. Her voice had a faint accent I have only heard from witches She continued"You did not have to chop of his limbs though. He would of listened if you had just said you did not. I had to make him limbs because all those I had made before were destroyed by some dark lords." I do not understand I wanted to tell her but she was gone along with the kids. I just sat and wondered if she was real and who is she if she is real. I got up and walked seeing the world in a new light. Those papers did not matter. I walked back to the entrance. It was locked of course it was. I kicked the door. All I did was hurt my foot that had no skin. Seriously there was no skin there it had fell off as I walked and ran. It was spreading and a green liquid was eaten at my bone. I just tried to ignore that disturbing fact. I'm looking for a bobby pin and a screwdriver. I heard you can open a lock with those. I found three bobby pins and a screwdriver. I tried and failed miserably. I guess I will just walk some more but not the dragon people place Hey, I found a map. There is where I am 'Mermaid Town'. I have only not been to the Cyborg Kingdom. Might as well go there. The dragon people were in Dragon People Caves. The dark lords were in Dark Lord City. I started to Cyborg Kingdom just one question what in the world is a cyborg?
 Oh these are cyborgs. People with metal body parts. Good news they are not attacking me. Bad news only six are alive. The ground is covered in bloody corpses. Two of the cyborgs I remember. The demon wearing black and the boy. The others were unknown to me. One of them were saying to the demon"You are the Rainbow Girl. You know who did this. Who slaughtered the innocent?". With this he tried to slam her but she disappeared in a flash of rainbow light. She reappeared a top a pillar and said in her witch like voice. "I know not who did this slaughter. The mermaids are reporting the same only a little girl and a few adults survived. The dragon people are currently fighting as we speak we must go help them. We are the strongest. The mermaids are even helping." The man snorted "That is because mermaids are weak. We will not help you or that dark lord kid." He pointed at the boy. Well anyway I decided to speak up "You should do it for the dragon people." Then it all faded out and I was all alone with the dead. I ran out of that room like a mad woman. I probably am one. I mean were they even really there? I ran to the Mermaid Town. Hundreds dead. The once blue water flowed red with blood. I ran to the Dark Lord City. It was empty. I ran as fast as my last leg can take me. My injured leg is just a green bubbling bone stump. Oh that is not good. I tried to walk and fell flat on my face. And screamed in agony. My bone wand snapped right in half! I just stared at my broken wand in horror. What is happening to me I wondered? First my leg melts then my wand just snaps. What is next? Am I dying? Someone please tell me! What is wrong with me? I just sat down and cried softly. "Acid is a thing of destruction and life" said the glowing green dragon person behind me. I jumped up waiting for an attack. Nothing. She continued "Some of us dragon people are made with acid. Most get eaten alive by it. You only have watered down acid on you. If you get it off by midnight you should survive with only major acid burns. Better then death right." I nodded and whispered "What time is it because I entered at 6 pm" She said"It's only 8 o'clock bye!". She left with a smile on her face. Wait weren't the dragon people fighting the dark lords right now? I looked into the Dragon People Caves and saw hundreds dead mostly dark lords. I looked up there was a man fighting off tons of dark lords. He was protecting little children! I just made a flash decision. I jumped awkwardly hitting a low flying dark lord. He charged at me and I knew what to do because I did it just an hour ago. I grabbed an axe in my... magic! I forgot with out my wand I was magicless. Instead I reached for it with my hand, but the dark lord was on me.
Green bubbling stuff covered the dark lord. It splashed on me and all of my right arm disintegrated. When I looked up the dark lord was just a pile of green goop. The acid dragon people were reinforcing the fight. In no time the dark lords fled. The Rainbow Girl had been fighting too she was bleeding worse then anyone. I hobbled on my useable leg and went to ask her if she is okay then. She disappeared in her rainbow light. This time she left something. It was shining and bright green. Next to it was a note-

To:Vac the Bearer of Pain

From:The Rainbow Girl of Death

 What is the Rainbow Girl of Death? So the Rainbow Girl is Death itself? Who is Vac? Maybe him. A dragon person with no spikes and dragon eyes looked at me then the note. He took the note and gem."Let me see the contract in your bag." He said in a rough voice. I gave him my contract and to my surprise he burned it with blue flame. He just flew off with the gem in his magic and note in his hand. Then I saw all dragon people had wings even the wizards. I sighed and walked down an hallway. The Dark Lord King was in front of me."You should not of left my brother's people" He did the laugh he did last time we met. Only he was going to kill me this time around. I did not run. I did not cry. "You did this didn't you! You hurt those innocent kids! You monster!" I screamed at him as he circled me. I did not care he had the advantage. I was so angry. I screamed and charged at him. Curse him he got out of the way and I banged my head on the wall. An idea hit me. "Come and get me if you want those files so badly" I ran as fast as my leg and half could get me. He roared louder than a dragon and chased after me. I did not expect him to run so fast. He was almost on me. I could feel his breath down my neck. I ran faster and faster. Suddenly I was in the air. Did he just decide to fly and drop me from high up? I opened my eyes and looked down. The dark lord was standing there and staring. A cyborg demon was carrying me. Her hair every color in the rainbow. The Rainbow Girl. She said something in witch. Her wing now has a giant hole in it. We crashed to the ground.
 I woke on a table pinned down. There are people surrounding me. I am a demon with metal skin. I feel fangs in my mouth. I have no control. I break the chains with such ease it is scary. I just punch one of the people and they all are staring. In a witch accent I said"I trusted you Strings, you betrayed me!" This must be a memory. I heard the old wizards could copy memories in wisps. This must be the Rainbow Girl's memory. The memory ended and I woke for real. My heart did not make any sound. It was on the table next to me along with my brain. I sat up. Something whispered "Kill. Kill. Kill.". I looked around I was alone in this white bloody room. The voice was in my head. I walked to the door. It was locked of corse it was. I looked at myself because I'm pretty sure I now have four limbs again. It turns out I now have two metal limbs, a metal wand I can do magic with, and probably a metal heart and brain. Who knows what else? I said out loud to the empty room"Okay I'm awake can I go now?" Surprisingly the door opened. A cyborg is standing there hand still on the open button. Her eyes were glowing red. I screamed as she laughed insanely. I hit her in the face. Her head popped off. Still laughing. Sparks shot out of her neck she attacked. There are hundreds of cyborgs like this one. I listened to voice in my head. I upper kicked it in the gut. Thin wires came out. A cyborg attacked my back I punched them in the chest. He died too. This is getting worrying I am killing with out doing practically anything. I fought my way through. I found a sword!"Yes!" I shouted. Then I saw the Rainbow Girl she whispered gently"Fight the urge young one. Do not make Fear happy. If he is happy it is not a fun time. Many die until Death and Pain stop him." With this she faded out. I looked at my fate make. It no longer was a ladder and stone. It was a skull with a bloody sword through it with strings holding it up. The cyborgs all had the same fate mark as me. I stopped. They piled on me but I did not care. They are nothing to me. I looked back. It was a trail of slaughter. They had no chance. I killed all of them. I had another rage. Now all of those cyborgs are dead. I walk over the bodies. Most were in pieces. Torn apart by me. I have become the monster.
 Kill. Kill. Kill. I must kill them before they kill me. Must kill. Those are the thoughts going through my mind. They get louder at everyone I kill. The Rainbow Girl warned me. I did not listen. Was she real? Am I real? The dark lord king is in front of me. Now two voices are in my head the weaker kill and the stronger help him he will help you. Before me is the mermaid girl, the cyborg dark lord boy, the spike less dragon person, and the Rainbow Girl. I now realize the boy is Chadiato, the girl is his sister Rose, the dragon person must be Vac. The Rainbow Girl's name is still unknown to me. The Dark Lord King is Strings. I have locked myself in this room with my unstable mind to make sure I never hurt anyone again. I have plenty to figure out in the meantime. I am all alone."Kill, kill, kill, kill." are the last words I ever thought. I was not found for two thousand years.

Flowery Demons - Beware of the TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora