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"Who's gonna put me together again, together again... now that you left me broken" I sang along with RaVaughn and Eric Bellinger while I studied under a tree by my last class when my phone vibrated in my lap, notifying me someone mentioned me on twitter

@JNB_3 :I think we got off to a bad start, well not bad, just not a good one either. Lets start over  @EadyAcosta

 Who the hell is JNB???

I ignored it and went back to studying

You not gone reply?- Jace

Of course its Jace

Now your stalking me? Who gave you my twitter? Better yet.. how'd you get my number? -Egypt

Its not important who gave it to me, just know I got it. Can we start over or what?-Jace

What harm could this do? I thought to myself

Sure Jace.-Egypt

Now smile for the picture -Jace

I looked around and then I noticed him sitting on a bench not too far away, I flicked him off as he held up his phone to take the picture, he got up and walked over to me

"That's not a very pretty smile" he said showing me the picture as he sat next to me in the grass

"I think it's beautiful" I said as I took his phone and deleted the picture,the next picture was one of a little girl in a diaper smiling

"I didn't know you had a baby" I said kind of sad, she was beautiul and she shared the same light brown eyes as Jace

"don't get sad Bae. she ain't my seed that's my niece" he smirked  as I continued to highlight in my book and mouthed an O

"What are you studying for?"

"Anatomy test in a couple days" I responded watching him as he reached over and took my book from me

"I love the human body" he said looking at the pictures

"The whole  thing or just a few specific areas on the female body?" I asked taking my book back

"That's what you think of me?" he asked faking hurt


"Thats what I know of you" she responded

"Well, your wrong" I said taking her book back

"OKay Jace" she laughed sarcastically " MSU star football player don't luhhh the nani? I don't think so , unless your gay" she tested me

"You know better " I said looking her in her eye " I mean if I were gay, why would I be interested in you ?" I asked seriously

She just sat there, with her hair surrounding her face, her mouth slightly ajar

"Ahhhhh, Im joking lighten up E" I laughed at her facial expression

"Real funny" she said hitting my arm "Um, what kind of cologne do you use?" she asked looking down at her phone

"Versace Blue, why? You like it?" I smirked

"Your so full of yourself, but I do like it, and I'd like it even better on my man, that's why I asked"

"Well it's already on your man" my smirk spread

"Are you flirting with me Mr.Bentley?" she blushed

"No, I was being serious" I smiled and she looked away

"Don't you have a game to be getting ready for? " she asked looked back at me

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