When in Doubt, think Trees

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So I was tagged by MMHunter (whose fabulous book I have yet to read yet).

1. I was lazy so I screen shotted the rules picture MMHunter had and didn't even crop it.

2. I am bad at making titles and as a result (as you can see above) I resulted to trees

3. I stole the "bad at making titles" thing from MMHunter XD (but seriously I am bad at making titles).

4. The trees thing from my title actually comes from me believing trees actually solve a lot of problems. Like in school, if your teacher tells you to do something and lets you pick an idea, "trees" are a good place to resort to. (For example, a descriptive essay could be on trees, or the levels of learning.)

5. I just finished Your Lie in April / Shigatsu Wa Kimo no Uso. It was beautiful (and I've yet to watch the OVAs).

6. I am/was drinking milk as I wrote this list. In a purple cup to be precise.

7. I'm obsessed with Naruto Online (a browser MMORPG game) at the moment.

8. My most used "faces" for typing are XD, :D, and ;-;

9. Wattpad annoys my when I comment ;-; next to a parenthesis ;-;) because it reads it as ;) and changes it to a winky face.

10. I am in ninth grade

11. I run out of ideas about me easily because I rather be talking about how awesome someone else is

12. I have a brother and a sister (Dream_givers is my sister)

13. I am very shy irl


~Dream_Sharer (off to do another tag!)

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