12 things I feel..

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I feel sick and it's not like any sickness I've ever had or knew existed. It makes your hands all jitery and weak. It leaves a huge emptiness sprialling at the bottom of your stomach and it makes you wanna rip out your heart and throw it as far as you can. It's the worst kind of sickness and it all happended when I read that update. That's where it all took place and I don't if I made at myself or if I mad at you. I don't even know if I'm mad. I just know that I am feeling something. Something grand and terrible. Something painful. And I want it to stop. I want to forget. Everything. 

But I know if I forget everything, I am gonna regret it, a lot. Because I've felt a lot of things this past year including happiness. I've probably felt the most happiest this year but I've felt a lot of sadness too.  It dosen't even matter coz I couldn't even forget about you even if I wanted to. Your everywhere. Your a couple of seats beside me, your in my pencil case, your on my wall, your on my music playlist, your even on mind. What I am trying to say is that you've somehow weeved yourself in my life without me realising. You don't have to love someone in that way to feel heartbroken.. becuase I am heartbroken.

1 thing I feel and counting..Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora