Regrets are the best tutors

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Regrets are the best tutors

Thoughts of anger rushing down stream,
Creating moments of regrettable steam.

You say anything would help it seems,
At the exception that you're blind with you dreams.

You shan't understand whats the role of this theme,
If you'll be stuck with this scream.

Yelling your only true egoistic esteem,
Forgetting that you had to redeem.

Sins flowed your soul with this beam,
Though I still landed a hand it seems.

Since I believed that you were my morpheme,
Cause you appeared in all of my daydreams.

You looked up and gave me disesteem,
From dark pain you cannot be unseen.

Betrayal fuelled your bloodstream,
As if you were hit by the sunbeams.

For yourself you create and rejuvenating cruelty and esteem,
Since the term sharing is unknown for your regime.

You have felt as if you were supreme,
When you were only reducing your worth of mainstream.

Hate became your face cream,
Putrid as it may seem.

I still had faith of love even when it sounded extreme,
I never gave up as I gave once chance for diem.

Exalted from my pure intentions you simply pushed me away like colour scheme,
You treated me as old as the Ibrahim.

Until one day I couldn't I lost all seraphim,
Rushing to the nearest threat to touch cold hands of eternal screams.

You've only changed and took the heart I've given when regrets were themed,
You have underlined mistakes and looked up to apologize for your mainstream.

Looking around to all the thousand faces you scream,
As terror became your elegant path way for when you recalled our team.

You realize no one cares until its too late to be redeemed,
So you give a hand and pay forward to pardon your misdeed.

Which was your main theme.
Our bond that you have deem.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2016 ⏰

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