Part 1

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A giggle leaves my lips as I run from my grandpa who was watching me for the week because my mum and dad needed time alone together. It wasn't often that they would leave me with my grandpa to do this, maybe once ever ten or twelve years, so it was nice to stay with my grandpa. "Katherine come back here. It is time for your bath." Grandpa says as he chases me catching up. My long black hair that matched both my mum and grandpa fly's behind me having fallen from the tight bun that grandpa had put up earlier in the day. "I don't want a bath Grandpa." I call before giving another giggle as I run through the manor. Uncle Ciel's house was big, almost as big or bigger than the one we live in. I chance a glance over my shoulder at my grandpa to see a smile on his lips as he runs after me, I know he can easily catch me after all he was a full blooded demon where I was only half of one. I think he was having fun playing with me just like he did with mum. "Katherine look out." Grandpa yells making me turn back to look in front of me to see the stairs and I was going to fast to slow down or turn. I scream a little as I was pulled back and into the strong arms of my grandpa who had caught me and kept me from falling down the stairs, the only thing falling down them was my shoes that had somehow slipped off and my glasses slid down my nose. I look up into my grandpa's red eyes that matched my mum's, my own filling with tears as I do so making him give a small sigh before he rocks me gently. "This is why we only play this game when your mum is here. Do not tell her that you almost got hurt or she would never let me play alone with you again." Grandpa says before he places a kiss gently to my cheek making me giggle a little.

"Dad would be the one to get angry at you over mum." I say as I wrap my arms around his neck as he walks down the stairs to grab my shoes. He was careful with me as he sets me on his knee and places my shoes back on my feet before pushing my glasses back up into place. I hated my eyes because they didn't match mum or dad's eyes making me wonder just where I got them from. My eyes were dark green on the outside like dad's but instead of the yellow green that matched his it was red making me a freak to those in the reaper world. I only went with dad there a handful of times to have my eyes tested and such when I told him I had a hard time seeing but in the few days it took for him to take me my eyes got better, I only had on glasses because I needed them during the day. Mum said that because I was different that my eyes and body wasn't the same as theirs. Light hurt my eyes and I could see perfectly fine at night. "Grandpa why am I here with you and why did mum and dad ask for me to say with you?" I ask as I look up at him and he gives a small sigh. "Katherine your father gets very little time to be alone with your mother or you. The two of them have tried very hard for the last seventy nine years to make sure that you always feel loved and feel wanted but they need to be alone some times. When you meet your mate and get married you will understand what they do. As to why you stay with me is because Grell is not responsible enough to take care of you and would more that likely forget to feed you like he did the one time your mother asked him to." Grandpa says making me give him a confused look.

"Auntie Grell never forgot to feed me." I say making my grandpa shake his head a little a shudder running up and down his spine that I feel only because of the way he was holding me. "I do not know how he convinced you to call him such a thing but when you were younger, perhaps three at the time, Grell was asked to watch you as your mum had to work for the day and your father was called away on a last minute work thing. You were screaming and crying at Grell for hours when your mother and I showed up to Grell running around trying to get you to calm down. I have never seen your mother get so angry before then, well maybe one other time but that is not the point. Since then your mother and father refuse to let Grell watch you alone." Grandpa says and he had this look on his face that said I shouldn't argue or push this point with my parents when I see them. "It couldn't have been that bad." I say trying to defend my aunt who loved me with all his heart, well after his own child. I at least listened to him when he said he was a woman but it would always make dad and mum roll their eyes at him, then again dad worked late because of him. "It was worst than what your grandfather said. Your mother begged me to let your grandfather watch you on these little visits so you would be safe. Then again I would do anything for your mother so it was not hard to convince me of such a thing." Uncle Ciel says as he walks into the room. "Uncle you shouldn't say such a harsh thing. Sure auntie might have made one mistake but you all shouldn't hold it against him." I huff as I look away from my uncle mostly so I wouldn't blush. "It is up to your mother and father on that point now what was all that screaming about?" Uncle says as he looks over both grandpa and I as if trying to figure out what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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