Chapter Twenty-Nine

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. The only sound in the otherwise silent waiting room; it's not from any kind of monitor, but rather from the reception desk, and the little alarm upon the wooden surface that must indicate that someone is to be seen by a doctor, considering the fact that someone at the other end of the room rises to their feet and leaves the room via a pair of double doors across from the exit in response to the name "Dan Smith".

We're not here to be seen by a doctor, though. The doctor sent us here, told us to wait for news. Shane was being seen to at that point, he was being helped as much as the doctors could help him. All we can do is pray that he pulls through.

When Kier and I got here, Laurence and Luke were already here, talking to a doctor... Well, Luke was talking to a doctor; Laurence was having a mental breakdown in the middle of the corridor. They had to sedate him. Luke talked to the doctor about Shane; the doctor kept asking if there was any history of mental illness, trauma, or any underlying condition that could have caused him to deliberately overdose on medication. No one knee the answers to that. Luke was clueless; Kier had vanished to stay with Laurence; I couldn't speak, but I didn't know either. I feel like I should know, but I don't.

Proving useless, the doctor sent Luke and I to sit in the A&E waiting room, whilst Kier stayed with a sedated Laurence, and Shane was god-knows-where having his stomach pumped and his life (hopefully) saved.

"Drew." Luke glances down at me worriedly, blue eyes wide as he meets my gaze. "Say something. You haven't spoken at all since you got here."

That's because I can't. Speaking doesn't feel right, not whilst Shane isn't here to hear the words that come out of my mouth. Guess I just realised that too damn late.

Shane tried to call me. Was he really calling me, or was it someone else? Was Shane calling me for help? Would he have taken any of that damn medication if I had just gotten over myself and picked up the damn phone? Is it all my fault he overdosed? All my fault any of us are here?

"Drew. Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong." Luke pleads. I just shake my head.

"You know what's wrong." I whisper, almost inaudibly. Luke has to strain to hear me. "It's my fault he did it, Luke. I caused this-"

"No, Drew, shut up. You didn't cause this. No one knows why he did it-"

"Exactly. No one knows. So you can't tell me it isn't my fault. I know it is-"

"But I know it isn't your fault!" He snaps loudly. The several people in the waiting room - including the receptionist - give us odd looks, but we ignore them.

"No. You don't." I stand up shakily, my crutch barely supporting me shaking frame. "Luke, he called me. Not long before Laurence called Kier, panicking about finding Shane. He called me, looking for help, someone to turn to, but I didn't answer the phone because I let my petty stubbornness get the better of me. So this is my fault, okay?"

Luke just blinks in surprise up at me. "He...he phoned you? Why didn't you answer?"

"Because I wanted to keep my mind off him. I didn't want to think about him, and I didn't know it was Shane calling when my phone rang. I ignored it. If I'd known it was Shane, then maybe I would have answered the damn phone. But I'm an idiot, okay?!" I flop back down onto my seat, groaning and pulling a hand through my thick sandy-brown hair. This is all my fault...if only I had answered that damn phone, maybe this wouldn't have happened... In fact, I'm positive this wouldn't have happened.

I just want Shane to be okay... I whimper inwardly. I want him to pull through, I want to be able to apologise for everything I did to him... I want my Timid. I want Shane.

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