an almost perfect life

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It was an ordinary day for Ruth. She woke up, got dressed, and ate her breakfast. Hurrying to school she rushed to see all of her friends before class starts. Everyone considered Ruth to be the popular kid in school and for that reason many people developed crushes. None of them really had true feelings but only liked her because it was the 'popular' thing to do. Throughout the day it was an ordinary never paying attention and doing nothing in class kind of day. Her bus was called to leave the school so she headed off. Her mom greater her through the doorway with a deprived face. "I have something to tell you" whispered her mom "I have lost my job." The shock on my face was surreal, I didn't know what to say.
"It's gonna be fine, we have enough money to support us for now."
" What do you mean for now?"
"Well we might have to leave the house."
"Yes move. But only until we get back on our feet."
" Where are we going to leave to?"
" Brooklyn, New York."

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