Finding The Book

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Hello! Grimtales134 here with another chapter! Enjoy!!

Nina's POV

I'm so worried about my little sister. I can't believe that bitch poisoned Sarah! When I find her, I will have her head! I sighed as I looked over at Sarah. Jason was there looking sadly at her. Its so obvious that he loves her.

I got up and left the room. I went to the library and preach for anything that can help Sarah.

"Nina? What are you doing?" I turned to see Lorie there.

"Oh. Hey, Lorie. I'm looking for anything that can help Sarah. I'm not losing my sister." I said and Lorie nods as she began to help me. For hours we search and during those hours our friends cane to help except Jason. Ten Lorie gasped as she dropped a book. I looked over at her.

"I know the book we need is!" Lorie yelled.

"Where?!" I yelled at her as I grabbed her shoulders.

"Its with my mother. In her room." Lorie said as she looked down. I stared at her wide eyed. I turned and walked away.

"Where are you going?! Nina!" Roxy yelled and I stopped. I turned to her as I narrow my eyes.

"I'm getting that book." I said.

"You can't! If my mom found out you're alive, she'll kill you!" Lorie said.

"You don't think I know that already! I want my sister back! I want to save her!" I yelled and Roxy sighs.

"I'm sorry. Guards! Take Nina and lock her in That room!" Roxy yelled. She wouldn't do that! She can't! Two guards came in and grabbed my arms.

"No!! Let go of me!! You can't do this!" I yelled.

"Its just until you calm down. We all want to save Sarah. Take her away." Roxy said as I was taken away and I was locked in a room. It was blank and enchanted. Right now it was night time so I went to sleep.

Nomal POV

The step-mother yells as she swept everything off her desk.

"That brat! I did everything for her and this is how she treats me! They will all pay once Sarah is dead. My daughter is next." The step-mother said and walks over to a large book. She opens the book and flips through the pages. Step-mother stops at a page and smiles.

"How to turn a human into a stuffed doll. This could work." Step-mother said as she grins evily.

Hello!! I made a short chapter!!! Finally!!!!! XD
I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys soon.

Grimtales134 out!! Bye!!!

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