Honeys Are For Bees Silly Bear

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*note: yes, I did just change the lyrics to Lullabye to suit my needs...clever am I.*

So, I've decided that I'm going to get a little personal in this chapter- something I wasn't planning on doing.

I found out this year that I'm bisexual due to a series of circumstances that led me to this (for me, quite puzzling) conclusion.

Without getting into way to much detail, I've found myself in situations where I've been attracted to girls- something my parents would probably kill me for if they knew. 

Yet, with that knowledge I have of how they're going to react, I, alongside my big brother who's been there for me though everything, am going to set up a family meeting so I can tell them. I'm nervous as hell, especially since I've grown up in a Christian home, but I'm not going to lie about it anymore. They deserve my honesty, and more so, I deserve my own honesty. I can't pretend I'm not something because someone won't like it- I need to be true to myself.

Now, don't get me wrong; my life isn't all "Cool For The Summer" over here. I'm not going to loud parties and banging with girls (or guys, because I'm still into guysj god, this is so confusing.) or shit like that where they should be upset. I've never gone on a date, never even kissed anyone, and just because I'm attracted to girls doesn't mean any of that is going to change.

Trust me, I'll still be this boring person I was before I found out I was bi. That will probably never change.

*Congratulations!!! You've probably just stabbed yourself at least 12 times with a plastic knife, praying this chapter is over! Well, it is!! Now that you're officially brain-dead, congratulations!!! If you actually read this shit all the way through, comment "The world will come around". Thanks if you actually made it through that chapter alive!*

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