Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry guys...

but it's the new year so my resolution would be to update more often!

Also I'm trying out a new writing style (with after-thoughts in brackets etc) so let me know if it works or not?

Happy new year to all you lovelies!



“Was Mari really going to help me? Was she really willing to do that?”

These two questions circled around Ian’s mind the whole drive back home, making him dizzier by the minute. He would toss the thoughts aside, dismissing them with the typical “She doesn’t know the whole story; she wouldn’t help me if she knew” and “she wouldn’t be able to help me anyways”. But something kept urging him to go forth and tell her, at least he’d be able to let his feelings out. No. It’s stupid and pointless and it wouldn’t help and I–

Ian finally reached his driveway, tired. So sick and tired of everything fucking up and everything being messed up in front of his own eyes. If he knew what was going to happen now then he would’ve never come out. He thought people, his own friends, would be supportive of his sexuality. He thought the world had changed. This was worse than bullying; he didn’t know that this was the meaning of being openly gay. (Of course it wasn’t, he just didn’t expect to be treated this way; they were the first people he told. Even his parents didn’t know yet). Ian rest his head on the steering wheel and cried, not knowing what else to do. His face was heating up with anger as he went over the events of the past two weeks. Yelling, thrashing, slamming his fists around, Ian’s memory drifted to the first occurrence.

They were filming Gamebang and had decided to take a break, as usual. This was a couple of days after Ian had come out to the guys when he had called them all over to his place. And of course, Ian was playing some random game about shooting balls with Lasercorn while the others were talking. Then suddenly he looked around to see that Joven and Anthony were gone; naturally Ian wasn’t suspicious as they could’ve gone to take a drink or something. What he didn’t know was that Joven and Anthony were up to planning something that would turn from a ‘one-off’ thing to a habit. Anthony soon re-entered the gameroom and asked Ian if he could come out with him for a minute. Certainly Ian obliged without hesitation and immediately stepped out the gameroom.

“So, what’s up?” Ian asked offhandedly.

“Nothing much, I just thought that while we’re here we could decide on a game for Gametime before we forget.” Anthony said as innocently as one could prior to raping their best friend. He checked Ian’s face for any hints of suspicion or such, then led him over to Joven, Lasercorn and Sohinki’s office where most of the games were kept. And Joven was already waiting for the two of them there.

“Did we get any suggestions?” Ian flicked through the already existing games as Anthony shook his head. Jovenshire handed out a couple of games that he thought were interesting and the two quickly chose a game and kept it aside.

“So Ian,” Joven started. “How did you find out?”

Ian turned around to face Jovenshire. “About what?”

“About being gay…”

Ian chuckled. “That, hah, well it was easy; I was into guys not girls.”

Anthony took a step closer to Ian without him noticing while Joven asked ahead. “So have you ever been attracted to any of us?” Ian shook his head in refusal.

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