Chapter 7-Sick

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The next night Raphael awoke early, before preparing two glasses of blood set for Ash and himself he stopped, looking at her curled, sleeping form with a loving expression, mabey Magnus was right, mabey he did have a soul. 

When Ash awoke she was stiff from sleeping curled into a tight ball.  She stretched and walked out, into the room where Raphael was waiting. 

"Some Fledgling woke up late.  Got us some breakfast,"he said.

"Thanks," she mumbled.  Then suddenly she tripped almost falling on her face, but Raphael caught her, she was leaning heavily on him, still woozey.  He striaghtened her.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a panicked voice, his face a picture of worry.

"You really care,"Ash said surprised.

"Of course I do, I love you."  It had slipped out they'd said it the night before, but now he felt like he really ment it.

"I love you too,"she said, but suddenly she was tipping again.  "Must have been something in the blood," she said, sounding pained.  He carefully guided her to her coffin, gently placing her inside.  Soon she fell into a feverish sleep with Raphael watching over her worriedly.

It was unual for a Vamp to get sick, so when Ash's condition didn't change the next night called Magnus.

"Wait, wait," Magnus had said,"You mean to tell me that your little Vampire girlfriend sick for  for for more than a night, so you call me knowing that I'm especially fond of Vampires?!"

"Yes, that about somes it up Mr. Sparky,and I never said she was my girlfriend," Raphael sassed back.

"Well, you sure talk like she is," Magnus replied simply.

"Well, she's not, but either way will you help?"

"Fine," He sighed exasperatedly.

When Magnus Bane storms into Hotel Dumort you know he means buisness, and that was exactley what he did that day.  One brave Vampire blocked his path and said strongly, even though he was shaking in his boots,"You can't come here."

"And why ever not," Magnus said elegently.  The Vamp was just about to argue when a shadowy figure appeared just behind him, placing a cool hand on his shoulder, and saying,

"That's anough Jeremy, he is a friend."

"Not a friend of mine,"Jeremy said backhandedly.

"And,"Raphael, the shadowy figure said, speaking just a touch louder,"he is here to help Ash."

"The Warlock, here to help a Vamp," Jeremy said, increduosly.

"Yes," Raphael said, taking on the tone of a supieror,"Follow me," he said to Magnus.

Ash was spread out on one of the golden, leather couches, fast asleep.  "Here she is," Raphael said, trying to make his voice smooth, and hoping the effort was worth it.  He hated seeing Ash so defenceless, unnable to do anything.  He loved her.

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