
89 4 7

1. Bleep out cussing with the star like this: sh*t
2. All characters must be either 18 or 19.
3. No smut. None.
4. No perfect characters, and don't make it all about your character. I don't want to see any "my character is half fairy half potato and can also speak elfish!"
5. Chain replies only.
6. No god roleplaying.
7. Make some drama, but PLEASE not too much. I'm trying to make road trips interesting, here!
8. I will only be accepting 8 people.
4 guys and 4 girls. First come, first serve, and after all 6 are accepted, this will become a private rp.
9. If I don't accept you, don't get all butt hurt.
10. Wait to be accepted.
11. When I post a new chapter, move the chain there.
12. Have fun!
ONE OC PER PERSON, and if you're inactive for too long, we'll have to continue without you.


Road Trip RP (CLOSED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora