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"Positive." I mumbled while looking at the three pregnancy tests I have taken. I can't believe I'm going to become a mom again!!

This would be the perfect Christmas present for Mario. I haven't gotten to chance to get Mario something because he's mostly always around but this could be the perfect present for him.

I could keep this a secret and he would have to wait till Christmas to find out.

I hid the pregnancy test in my drawers and left the room.

I went downstairs and found Alexis and Adrian eating turkey sandwiches.

"Hey kids." I said.

"Hey mom." The said and took another bite from their sandwich.

"Ok tell me two names you like a girl one and a boy one." I said.

"Why?" Adrian asked.

"Because one of my patients mom is pregnant and told me to ask you what names you like because she can't really think of any." I said.

"Oh ok well I like the name Dyler (DYLER TV IS THE BOMB GO CHECK OUT HIS YOURUBE VIDEOS) and Ari." Alexis said.

"I like Aaliyah and Ryan." Adrian said.

"Ok I gotta go and do some emailing I haven't done that this week." I said.

"K." They said as I left

I made an appointment with my doctor to see if I'm actually pregnant or not.

I deleted all my history just in case and went back downstairs.

"You're fast." Adrian said.

"Yes I didn't have to do lots of emailing today since it wasn't really a busy week. Also in two days it's Christmas so lots of people have the week off." I said.

"Ohhhhhhhhh." Alexis said.

*Two days later and at the party*

"Yum this looks good." I heard Danna say looking at the Lasagna Maddy had made.

I laughed she always was the one who was near the food. So was I let me admit food is LIFE!!

*skip eating*

"Ok guys lets go to the living room it's time to do the Secret Santa." Tatiana said.

We all went into the living room and sat down on the couches.

"Ok who wants to go first??" Tamara asked.

"I'll go." Haley said.

She picked up the present she was giving and handed it to Danna.

"For me?" Is what she said like in any movie.

We all laughed at how funny she was.

Danna opened her present which was a really warm looking light grey North Face sweater. Lucky. It's been cold these days in Florida and Danna got something to keep her warm. Ima turn into a Popsicle for sure this winter. 😂😂

Time past and people gave their presents until it was Tatianas turn.

She moved around the room pretending she was giving that person the present. Then she stopped in front of me. "Here you go bestie!" She said. Old memories when we would call each other besties.

"Awwwww thank you!!" I said.

I carefully opened the bag and pulled out what she had gotten for me. She knew me so well. A pair of warm and cozy black sweatpants from Pink along with a dark grey sweater.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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