✟ Rest In Peace ✟

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Hi guys.
Today my friend Animo_fox18 has just lost their dog.
And Animo, I'm so so sorry for what happened to you.
In return of respect,
I made this

May her sweet soul rest in peace

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May her sweet soul rest in peace.
I hope you feel better..
Your a great friend of mines and I can't bear to see you hurting like this..
I know the experience.
I couldn't get over the fact that my dog died either.
Her name was Princess.
She was a Terrier Chihuahua.
A black one.
She was probably the best pet I could ever ask for.
But she died of an unknown illness on the start of the second week on the 2nd month we had her.
I was heartbroken.
And I still am.
I'm crying as I write this and I trust all of you who read this because this is something personal to me. I've never shared this story with many before. Only my closest of friends.
I understand how you feel.
She was the only pet I ever had and the last pet I ever had.
I know how you feel. And I had no one to comfort me.
But now,
This is me comforting you.
Those who are reading this,
I hope you pay your respects to Animo_fox18 'S dog.
Animo feel better soon.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Have a great night.
Listen to this in the meantime

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