The dance

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Jimin's POV

She pulled out of the kiss 😏 (lol sorry I'm so excited to write this chap ieeee) I wanted to say something but she interrupted me "no! Let me finish first" she cleared her throat and spoke again "I love you too Jimin I didn't knew this since yet, every time when you're around my heart goes crazy, I felt save at your side and I want to stay like that" I smiled but I was still frozen, it was awkward so Seulhyun tried to break the ice but wasn't a success "so.........." Seulhyun was red and looked around, I cleared my throat "do you want to be my girlfriend?" I said a bit shy while scratching the back of my head, she looked up to me again and smiled "I'd love to" her eyes sparkled from the streetlights and she smiled brightly that's why I decided to kiss her (I'm squealing am I the only one who finds this cute or something? Like I'm a bit fan girling I think lol)

As I released, is saw her cheeks were with a little layer of soft red and pinkish covered, I pinched her nose "cute" I smiled "now go inside and go to sleep it's cold" she nodded and hugged me "I will and you will arrive at home save okay?" "Yeah ...

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As I released, is saw her cheeks were with a little layer of soft red and pinkish covered, I pinched her nose "cute" I smiled "now go inside and go to sleep it's cold" she nodded and hugged me "I will and you will arrive at home save okay?" "Yeah my baby girl" "stop that" she said while giggling, she released the hug and walked in front her gate she opened the gate and walked in than turned around to close it and wave me a bye, I turned around and walked to the bus stop.

Seulhyun's POV

I waved Jimin a goodbye and walked in front the house door I searched for the keys in my handbag and did it in the lock, suddenly I shivered and felt uncomfortable, you know the feeling you have while being watched, I turned around but I saw nothing I walked back at the gate to look if someone was ones there, I turned around and turned my keys to unlock my door and walked inside I quick closed the door and locked it, I saw my mom walking downstairs "you're back" I nodded she looked at me up and down and than smiled "where did you got those expensive clothes?" I turned red "is it that noticeable?" "Yeah because you came Home with total different clothes, so how was your date?" Mom winked "mom it was no date" I said embarrassed "well maybe I don't know" she smiled and laughed "don't worry child I saw everything"my eyes shot up to meet hers "w-what do you mean ev-everything?" "Those kisses" that's it I'm embarrassed I could just die here standing at this point "save every word from now for later I'm tired and I want to sleep" "it's only 10 PM" "I don't care" I walked upstairs to my room and I plopped on bed and slept immediately forgetting to shower,brushing teeth and changing into pajamas.

Skipping to the project day

I'm at school at 9 PM because Miss Jong said we needed to perform our projects so we are here on stage and the others backstage, I felt these weeks uncomfortable while I wasn't with Jimin together, the whole time I felt being watched and my family is gone for like a monthlong, because yeah I don't want to go to my aunt who i completely don't like, "ladies and gentlemen now we have the audition from Jimin and Seulhyun" me and Jimin stepped up the stage and first did a little Halloween special

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