Chapter 1- Katherine

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I’m in my room…as usual, here on my bed, staring at my laptop…tweeting.  Waiting for a new mention, hoping that it might be from him.  I kept refreshing every minute, and no mention, all I had was a favorite or a retweet from a random person from my followers.  I gotta say though, I love my followers, they were like friends to me. When I tweet of a problem of mine, they reply back, it was really great having those followers who don’t just scroll down and ignore all of the tweets, my followers read my tweets and it makes me feel so much grateful for them, even though I never actually met them in personal.

I was getting really bored so I stood up and left my laptop on the bed so that I could get something to eat from downstairs.  I opened the door to my room and went downstairs to the kitchen.  I opened our refrigerator door and checked if there was actually anything I could eat or drink.  Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on my side now, there was nothing I could eat…there were only vegetables, fruits...and really, I wasn’t in the mood for something healthy.  Although, I do have this obsession with apples and avocadoes. So, I went to the cabinet and got the blender, and put it on the table near the socket. I sliced some apples and of course the avocadoes, dropped it inside the blender, then put the lid on and made myself a smoothie. I loved these kinds of smoothies, they were delish! I brought my glass of smoothie to my room and not too long, went back to tweeting.

Again, I checked my interaction tab, I saw 5 new interactions, all of them were a spam, where these random people tweet me an unknown link, I don’t even try to open the shit, just to make sure no scary, rude, or anything disturbing would show up in one of my tabs. All but one were spam, the other one was from my friend Lauren. When I saw her tweet, my eyes widened. No way! Big Time Rush is going to have a tour! Even better, it’s an Asian tour! Finally!! Rushers here have been waiting for this time to come. I never thought that this year would be the best one! I replied back to Lauren to thank her for the information, after a minute she retweeted my tweet and replied with a smile. 

I checked the link that Lauren has sent me again to see the schedule.  It starts on March and ends on June. That’s a good schedule. Good thing, management planned these dates, by then, it’s my summer vacation…so no school! Yay! I guess luck has been on my side after all.  

After an hour, I turned off my laptop and laid down on my bed and grabbed my phone on the bedside table. I unlocked it and dialed Lauren’s number so that we could talk and express our fangirl feelings, rather than to type and being dull with just seeing emoticons.

I waited for a little while before she picked up her phone, maybe 10 rings? Where was she? Finally, I heard a voice. “Hello?” she said, her tone was like she was being disturbed. “Lauren? Heeeyy!” I said, being the opposite of her, I said it with my best jolly voice. “Oh, sorry Katherine for my voice being so irritated…” she said apologetically.  “It’s quite alright, why though?” I asked, being curious. “Well, I’m on twitter and—“ I cut her off. “I see…I get it now, no worries” I chuckled a little.  “Oh, Kath, you do know me really well…” she said with an astonishing voice.

Lauren always gets kinda moody when she’s on Twitter or Facebook. She doesn’t want anyone disturbing her while she’s having her time on the net. I got to give her recognition though, she’s always updated with Big Time Rush and at the same time, she’s an honor student. What an amazing friend I got here.  

“Lauren, I called to ask about our plans for the great BTR Asian tour?” I asked her, quite in a hurry, because it’s getting late and we have classes tomorrow. “Well, how about we talk about it tomorrow in class? Or at our recess time?” she suggested. “Sounds fine, okay, see you tomorrow then!” I said, and she said her farewell too.

I tapped the red button, and locked my phone and put it on the bedside table again. I stood up and went to the comfort room to brush my teeth, take a quick shower, and wore my pj’s. I went back to my room, set up the alarm clock so that it would ring at exactly 5:30 am in the morning, I just wished that I didn’t have to wake up that fucking early every day…and then I laid down and finally went to sleep.

I couldn’t wait for tomorrow and talk to Lauren and all our plans to be scheduled! 

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