2.Simple Coverヽ(・∀・)ノ

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Hello everyone ヽ(・∀・)ノ

This is CrazyFangirlInEarth speaking!
I'm here to do a random tutorial which is making a simple cover.I hope this is helpful specially to the beginners.

Shall we begin?(⌒‿⌒)


We will start by using phonto

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We will start by using phonto

-First,you need a clear background.
It can have any color base on what color you would choose.I will be using green:3


-Then back to Phonto,choose the title you want and pick the color of the font that fits in the color of the background

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-Then back to Phonto,choose the title you want and pick the color of the font that fits in the color of the background.


-Let's move to photo layers next then

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-Let's move to photo layers next then.Open the photo layers app and click "Load a background image". The pictures in your gallery will appear and click on the one you made in phonto.After that,click add photo above and pick a render/png of a character.Of course,the title I use is gumi,we will use Gumi.

-After clicking the render,arrange it on what you want to but make sure that the title still can be seen in the cover

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-After clicking the render,arrange it on what you want to but make sure that the title still can be seen in the cover.Now,we will put a shadow on Gumi.Below,find the word,"shadow" and click on it.It will show you this.

-Next,make the "blur"0% and make the opacity on 100% and to add colors on the shadow,you can see some colors under

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-Next,make the "blur"0% and make the opacity on 100% and to add colors on the shadow,you can see some colors under.I will use the green again and will arrange the color of it like dark green or light green shadow.Then,to move the shadows so it can be seen more,you will see the words "Offset X" and "Offset Y" . Use offset x and offset y to move the shadows.

 Use offset x and offset y to move the shadows

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-Then click close and save.Go back to Phonto to put your username then your done!

Go back to Phonto to put your username then your done!

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I hope this help!Sorry if it's kinda crappy.But thank you for checking this tutorial out.If you have some questions or want some more tutorials,please don't be shy or scared and comment down below,we will not bite you if you comment heheX3

Once again,I thank everyone who check out this tutorial and for checking out,voting and commenting in this book.


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