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The girl with [H/C] hair looked up to see the falling cherry blossoms. She reached out a hand and let a flower fall gently into her delicate hands. Her slim fingers cupped the fragile flower as she brought it closer to her eyes. A small smile danced at her lips as she scrutinized the light pink flower.

She lifted her head once more, slowly turning around to admire the rests of the falling flowers. She could feel her smile grow wider.

Her eyes then landed on a particular cherry blossom. She traced its path down to where the flower landed on the hospital floor beside a pair of shod feet. Her smile receded almost immediately as she came to the realization that she wasn't alone.

She wasn't shy as most would say, she was merely more...introverted.

Her gaze shifted up from the other's feet and traced its way to the person's face.

A boy. Say her age - 8?

He was dressed plainly - not in hospital robes like she was - with only a red shirt and black shorts. He had short, messy, black hair and gun metal blue eyes. He looked healthy, so why was he here? A visitor probably.

Her [E/C] eyes met his.

For a moment, she was at a a loss as to what to do and soon looked away. Her cheeks gradually heated up as she pursed lips.

She always did it, purse her lips. She did it whenever she felt nervous or embarrassed. In this case, she wasn't sure which it was.

"The cherry blossoms are beautiful, huh?" he spoke up first.

She averted her gaze back to the boy's, unsure of how to answer him.

He was wearing a polite smile on his face although if you didn't focus enough, you would never notice the slight curl of his lips.

She stared at him for a second before looking away and giving the boy a slight nod and a small smile out of courtesy.

The next moment was filled with silence.

The girl awkwardly fidgeted her feet and dangled her shoes from her toes. The awkward tension that hung in the air made it hard for her to breathe. It was as if the air had froze and turnt solid.

Her weak heart could do without the whole trouble breathing.

Despite the difficult situation she was in, she knew it was rude to just let him stand there and let their conversation - if it was even a conversation - hang in the air.

"Would you...like to sit?" she asked hesitantly while also patting the empty space beside her. She asked this not looking at the boy, but at her feet instead. She bowed her head on purpose so that her shoulder length hair would hide the side of her face.

The boy seemed hesitant for a moment and awkwardly scratched his left elbow.

The [H/C]-haired girl timidly looked at him.

"I'm sorry. I was just asking."

The boy immediately waved both his hands, giving a small smile to the girl. "No, no. I'd love to sit."

He walked over to the bench unnaturally - almost hesitantly - and sat down beside the girl, albeit keeping distance ; their fingers at least 20 centimetres apart.

The girl continued to fidget her feet, unsure of what to do next. Clearly, she wasn't a fan of small talk.

It was the boy who once again spoke up first. "You're in hospital robes. Why?"

The girl pondered at his question for a moment, not knowing how to reply. Her mouth opened then closed, opened then closed.

Should she tell?

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