Chapter 34

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After we finished eating it was already 8. The kids were upstairs playing and all of us were talking. I saw Kalina get up and Sam followed her.

"So uh Derek how's it having kids?"

Derek sighed "Kids are big pain in the ass but I mean they're pretty cool to be around with"

Johnson came sitting next to me and put him arm around me. "I'm drunk"

I chuckled "I see that" 

Adeline came running down the steps and hugged me. She looked at Johnson and back to me. She had her eyes squinting. "Ooooh uncle jack has a crush on mommy"

Nate came walking in with a whole bunch of gifts and put it under the tree. He then turned around "Jacks been in love since the moment he saw mommy"

I chuckled and looked at the clock it was 11:40.

"Alright lets start getting everyone here" I said "Kids come down here!"

They soon came running. Aiden sat on the floor next to Adeline. I heard a phone ring and it was Nates. I grabbed it and it was Ana.

"Babe who's calling?" Nate asked
"Ana" i responded and gave him his phone

He left the room. I sighed and sat next to Grayson.

"Yo can I use your backyard tomorrow to prank Ethan?"
"Yeah but please don't lay mouse traps like you did last time cau-"
"Yes I know Aiden almost touched it and Nate sat on one" Grayson said chuckling "you tell me that all the time"

I hit his arm and got up. I walked to the kitchen and Nate was sitting there staring down.

"What's wrong babe?" I said and sat next to him
"I'm sorry Jael I truly am. I love you an the kids so much." He answered and hugged me

"Merry Christmas!" I heard everyone yell

He let me go and he already had tears falling from his face. "I got Ana pregnant"

I quickly got up from my chair.

"Please Jael it was a mistake and I was drunk"

I shook my head "I'm going to Ethan and Grayson's house and I'm taking the kids after this is over"

"No Please they're my kids too."

Adeline and Aiden came in "Can we open our presents mommy?"

I nodded "yeah come on baby"

I walked into the living room and they began opening presents. Nate came in after and sat next to me. He handed me a gift.

I opened it and it was a princess ring from pandora. I hugged him and it took a few minutes.

"I'm sorry" he whispered

I pulled away from him.

"Please stay"

I turned to the kids who were smiling as they opened there gifts. I looked back at him.

"I need time away Nate"

this chapter was sorta long to make up for not posting in weeks. i was supposed to post it on christmas but I got really busy. also, happy new year guys!

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