The maid cafe' - a bunch of ships.

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Warning: Smutty stuff

~<Third person>~

"APHMAU~SENPAI!!!!!" Kawaii~chan yelled from the otherside of the maid cafe'. "What is it Kawaii~chan?" Aphmau asked in question, for she know what Kawaii~chan had an idea. "Aphmau~senpai! Kawaii~chan has an Idea for the maid cafe'!!!" Kawaii~chan was so exited she was jumping up and down with joy. "Well then lets hear it!" "Kawaii~chan was thinking that we could do a cross dress day!"

Aphmau's smile turned into an evil grin as did Kawaii~chans."Thats purr~fect  Kawaii~chan.."
"Kawaii~chan has the dresses too!" she replied almost instantly. "all we need are the victims.." Aphmau said as a grin turned to a smirk of pour evil. She turned her head to the sound of a bell coming from the front doors of the maid cafe'.

~<Laurance POV>~

It was a normal day for me and the guys. Garroth, Zane and I were walking to work as we always do, when some pink banner caught my eye...I didn't bother to read it for It was probably something for the customers. We walked in side only to be greeted by Aphmau.....she looked like she had a plane... thats never good. "Hay guys~! How you been?" I was in suspicion as was Zane but Garroth had no problem talking to the evil looking Aphmau. "Hay Aph! were good just came here to work, whats up?" I faceplamed and sighed...WHY DID HE ASK!!? "Oh nothing! I just need you to....Wear THESE!! <3"

She holds up three maid outfits.  One light Gray, one baby blue and one light green... I felt a blush crawl onto cheeks when I saw mine... it wasn't the ones the girls usually would wear...these were more...slutty if you asked me.

I was stunned at what mine looked like... They where short dresses with fish net stockings.. a frilly bottom, a maid bow, heels, a colored collar with a bell, cat ears and worst of all....panties.. lassie little light green panties... "NOPE" I said as I rushed to the door. I was pushed to the ground buy a person..."KAWAII~CHAN WILL NOT LET LAURANCE~SAMA GET HIS MONEY FOR A HOLE WEEK IF LAURANCE~SAMA AND FRIENDS WONT PUT ON KAWAII~CHANS DRESSES!~" It was kawaii~chan.. "FINE! just get off of me!" I shout out. She was heaver then she looked...

I needed the money...*sigh* and I knew alot of the people in my street did too... Aaron, and Zane didn't have to show them self's to customers because it was there turn to work in the kitchen... Lucky basters. But lucky for me, Garroth, Gene, and Damion we get to present our self's to the perverted guys and the squealing fangirls! Oh joy. I couldnt help but stair at the guys around me when we all came out of the dressing room. We were missing someone...Garroth..

"Garroth get on out here!" Aphmau yelled into the back room. "I-I d-dont want t-to come o-out!" He yelled back. "DOSENT GARROTH~ SAMA! WANT THAT MONEY!?" we all heard a sigh come from the back. He walked on out, heels and all. We all turn our head very quickly as we heard the bell of the door. It was Travis..

"hay guy, here are the plants you-." He froze. He didnt say anything, he was still for about 15 seconds and then kept casually walking... he was up to something. "HAAAAAAAAY BOYS~! how you all doing~"I blush a light red as did ever other guy there. Aphmau grabbed the plants from Travis and walked out of the room leaving us with Travis.... "Damn Laurance~ nice legs! <3" This didn't make me blush this just mad me want to kick him wear the sun don't shine. "T-Travis please l-leave." Garroth stuttered out. "Oh so we have a stutter king do we?~ well ill leave when I WANT to leave~." He started to walk slowly to Garroth.. grrrr.... "Some one need to know not to talk back to the customer~" smack!  "AH~!" Garroth squeaked as Travis slapped his ass and walk out the shop. laughing to himself. That perv.

~<Garroths POV>~

"T-Travis please l-leave" I said as he was hitting on the one I loved... he turned his head slowly twords me and walked over to me he put his knee by my man hood... I try so hard not to moan...I bit my lip. I could tell no one else knew what he was doing. Only him. "Some one need to know not to talk back to the customers~" He slapped my ass. "AH~!" I yell out In pain and a tad bit of pleasure. He walked out of the shop laughing.. wail I stood there with 50 shades of red stained on my face..."This is going to b-be a long ass day.." (you see what I did there!)

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