Part one

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As you may remember we left off after James, Rose, and Albus boarded the Hogwarts express.

When Ginny and Harry went home with Lily, then noticed she looked glum as she sat on the loveseat in the potters living room...


"Honey," said Ginny "What's wrong?" Lily turned away from her mother's gaze. "Nothing." She mumbled as she bit her her left pinkie fingernail.

Harry turned to Ginny and gave her the look. "Um, Lily, this wouldn't have anything to do with not getting to go to Hogwarts with your brothers would it?" Said Harry nonchalantly.

Lily ignored her father's question and walked up to her room and slammed the door. Ginny and Harry looked at at each other with wide eyes. Lily had never done anything like this before. Harry decided it was time to tell her.

"Lily?" Said Harry quietly as he knocked on the door. "I just wanted to talk to you." There was silence for a few moments and then the door slowly creaked open. He saw that Lily's eyes were the same dark beautiful color as her grandmother's. And they looked as if she'd been crying.

"What do you want?" She said. Harry walked into the room. He had almost forgotten how pink it was. She had pink walls with posters of her favorite muggle and wizard bands plastered on every wall.

Harry walked over to the bulletin board hanging above her desk. She had pictures of her with her friends, family, and brothers.

Then he saw it. The picture that he had kept on his bedside table for years. It was the one picture he had of his mother and father. As he stared at the photo his eyes started to water and he looked away. When he looked at his daughter he saw the same face that had once walked the Hogwarts corridors and pranced happily though Godric's Hallow.

"Honey. I have something I need to tell you." Lily looked up at her dad with swollen eyes. " I want to tell you about your grandmother and grandfather.


"You're grandma and grandpa were marvelous witches and wizards. They were amazing with every class they took. Professor Slughorn said that-"

"I'm sorry dad but professor Slughorn?" Lily interrupted.

"Yes. But he said that my mother was the head of the class and got a good grade on every paper. You Lily Potter were named after you grandmother. The best witch of her age. She-"

"Sorry again dad but, I thought that Aunt Hermione was the best witch?"

"How old do you think she is!!" Said Harry.

Lily looked at her dad and realized this was very important to him.

"Go on." She whispered

Harry continued. "What I'm trying to say is that they risked their lives to protect their son. And I would do the same for you."

Lily stared up at her dad with wondering eyes. She was in shock. Not from the risking life but from finally finding out what had happened to her family.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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