Confession of Writer (version 3)

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  Some things didn't know what's really on my mind, maybe I'm just crazy after all, a lot of them didn't know who I am or should I say where did my skill came from, well here's another story that I would like to share.......again.
Some of you didn't know why my works are intense or should I say negative, my answer is simple, they made me do it.
Here's a little summary about it.

It's been two years after I finish unsaid feelings but some things happen, I visit the other forum site that I'm used to visit often and I felt a little angry because some member posted it without my permission, in short he plagiarise that's suck!

I tried to log in my account on that site but I failed because I didn't access my account, someone pop-out my head shortly, I've tried to recover my account and change the password good thing it didn't fail me and alas! I've retrieve my account after that i attempt to leave a comment on his thread, maybe i'm upset that time because he didn't ask my permission to post my works, i mean really upset.

I confront him nicely but sad to say he didn't tell the truth in the end it makes me really angry, i said many explicit word because i'm blank. After what happen I've made a decision, no more mister nice writer.
I wrote something about him and his action without him knowing but deep inside of me it's my way of returning the favor or should I say it's payback time don't you think?

I post the piece i wrote about him, after one day he replied but he's answer didn't believe me because he's lying even I know the truth but he didn't admit his mistake so YUCK FOU!

I'm not expecting any sympathy to anyone but they understand me after all, they know what I felt for being a victim of plagiarism, that time I know what the feeling of being a victim and that time I've made a decision, if someone would attempt to steal my works I'll wrote something about him/her, if someone mock or disrespect me I'll wrote something about him/her just to shut him/her because that's me, last thing if someone bullied me I'll wrote something about him/her because I'm not the quiet type. They call me terror but for me I'm ruthless and didn't give any second chance for infidels, if some of you didn't like me this is my answer for haters, YUCK FOU!

Even I report his action it takes days or months to delete his post but it didn't matter because after I sneak in the forum the thread is already gone.

The guy named unidentified is the reason why I became a terror writer, if he read this well all I can say is I'm watching you so better behave or there's more to come so better be careful of every word you said.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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