A Short Legend

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My uncle says this legend was true but i dont think so. Now let me tell the lengend to you. Once there was a man named Robin. He was a sailor same with his friends. The captain told the sailor that they are adventuring to a new island to see if anything is special there. He says that the trip told about 8 days but my uncle says that it felt like 10 weeks. Finally they were there. Once they stepped on the land they could hear something loud in the distances. No one really bother to even look due to being on the ship for 8 days. While we settled on the island we heard the sound again but even closer. The caption told Robin to scout the island and the captain gave him a musket. While Robin was exploring the island he heard the screams of the sailors and the captain from far away. Robin rushed toward his crew and only found the ship destroyed and some of the sailor injuried. But i heard that sound again but even closer. I saw a giant sea creature. But i didnt know if it was a giant centipede or a giant worm with arms. As i saw i looked at the monster the monster spitted out water that was boiling. The boiling water killed 6 of our memebers. While the monster was swiming towards us our captain says 'READY YOUR ARMS!'. As i pointed the musket at the monster the monster spitted boiling water but with extreme force that the rocks flew to my face. Blood came from my face and as i was down i can see the monster looking to it left and saw a ship with cannon with high armor around it with a pointed horn in the front of the ship and atleast going about 80 mph and ramming in to the monster. I was shocked as the ship didnt even get a scratch on the ship. But the monster was swimming away as the ship shot cannon balls at it. As i got up i saw the ship heading toward us we were suprised that just a simple ship with high damage weapons can scare away a giant creature when the ship is smaller than the town at home. The ship arrived and introduced them self and they say they were monster hunter from a far region. We were all happy to be alive. As we where going to our home region we saw 2 of thoughs of the creature heading towards us. We went as fast as we can and the creature went away. As we landed home the monster hunters say that the creature they rammed into was called a Centifenulopus and that the creature was just a baby. We were all suprised that it was just a baby. But we were just happy we were alive. But as the monster hunters were just about to leave they gave me sword but instead of a blade it was a shark fin but harder and longer than a shark fin. As they were sailing off and we were waving bye to them. The creature who attacked us rammed into the monster hunter ship and the final moments i saw was it sinking to be never to be found. But its just a legend but my uncle think it was real. What a crazy man but it's just a legend right?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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