An exam paper

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"An exam paper? Really Light? How boring can you get?" You complained, waving the aced assignment in the air. "Shut up! Just because YOU didn't finish school doesn't mean I don't want to." The next thing he knew, you had tackled him and was pressing a knife into his neck. "What was that about me you little minx?" "N-nothing Y/N-chan." You took the knife away. "What I thought." "When you two are done trying to kill each other, we'll be here." Misa interrupted. You scoffed and got up, brushing off the dust from the dirty floor. She shoved you into the closet and slammed the door in your face. "Well this is fucking fabulous. Stuck for 7 minutes in a locked closet with a psychopath!" Light groaned. "Hey, don't go thinking I want to be in here myself! I hate this game as much as you do." You shot. "Well it's not like you have a crush on anyone that you would go in here with." Well, that was a dead on lie. You had always had a secret crush on the A average student. You never knew why but you always did. You knew you shouldn't, but you did. "Well, I fell for you, does that count?" You mumbled. "What?" "I have a crush on you." You admitted, waiting for the stinging pain of rejection, but it never came. Instead, you felt Lights' soft lips on yours. As shocked as you were, you kissed back, slipping your fingers into his hair while he slid you closer in his arms. As much as you would love to stay in his arms and kiss him, you had to breathe. Just as you broke apart, Misa opened the door and caught you. "Yes! Told you she was different Matt!" "Whatever!" You rolled your eyes and waltzed out of the closet, feeling lighter than air. "I love you Y/N." He whispered in your ear. "And I love you too you little know-it-all." You teased back. Let's just say that a certain someone found themselves a boyfriend! Yay you!

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