Reversing The Tide- Part 1/2

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I need to start writing more frequently. Through writing this story, I've realized that I've kind of lost my spark. It'll come back with time, I'm sure.

Bill's maniacal laughter was still haunting Stan after he'd heard it six days ago. The day Weirdmageddon had begun, he'd immediately decided to hide out in the Mystery Shack, which, for some reason, Bill had come nowhere near. Stan had kept an eye on what was going outside, at least for the first few days. After that, there wasn't much left to look out for. Bill had burnt down buildings, taken everyone in Gravity Falls (including Stan's last remaining family members), and had even built himself a sort of fortress smack in the centre of the town. Floating in the sky, the humongous pyramidical structure loomed ominously on the horizon no matter where you were looking at it from. To Stan, it seemed to be Bill's way of saying Hello, citizens of Gravity Falls! Check out this giant pyramid I've constructed! You know what that symbolizes? Your impending doom!

Stan had had a few... unwanted encounters with the demon before, and knew that despite his outlandish demeanour, the triangular creature was more than capable of tricking just about anyone. But this definitely topped the list of nightmarish experiences Stan had had, which was saying something considering he lived in Gravity Falls, Oregon. He wasn't exactly sure what was going on, or how it had all begun. What Stan did know was that Bill wasn't going to be leaving Gravity Falls anytime soon. Without anyone around and without a plan, Stan had no way of confronting Bill that wouldn't end with either his death or petrification. Even something as simple as one hopeful thought was out of his reach. Stan was alone and trapped in the desolate wasteland he'd once called home.

Stan thought he was alone in the world (or in Gravity Falls- it didn't make much of a difference), but he was wrong. There was one other person who had escaped Bill's wrath, although just barely.

Blendin Blenjamin Blandin had been hiding out in various buildings around town, but the eyeball bats were able to find him every single time. There was nowhere they couldn't see, and so the only way to avoid capture was to stay on the move, constantly. Of course, he could have time travelled. Blendin had only tried that once, and had immediately decided that it was a bad idea. When he'd shifted forward back to his hometime, he had been welcomed by several banners depicting his name and face. He was a wanted man back home, but that wasn't even the worst part- the wanted ads had had a common colour scheme of neon orange. Neon orange banners were reserved only for the worst members of society; people who would not even be given a trial upon their capture. Supposedly, the criminals under a neon orange alert could not be given a second chance, they were too dangerous. The Time Anomaly Removal Crew would be on high alert, not resting until he was caught... or dead.

Returning home for help was not an option. A few times, Blendin had considered travelling to the past, but deemed it too risky. Any time travelling he did might leave a trail that would lead the TARC straight to him. As of right now, any time travel was out of the question. Blendin was stuck in Gravity Falls during a literal demonic apocalypse. Just his luck, he supposed... though it was partially his fault. Blendin angrily balled his fists just thinking about the way that monster had tricked him.

I'm a wanted man now. I can't go home, I'm stuck in this cesspool of nightmares, and it's all Bill's fault! Blendin thought furiously before kicking a small pebble down the street. Unfortunately, even the small noise got the attention of a pair of eyeball bats nearby. They shrieked and rushed towards Blendin. With a scream of his own, Blendin took off towards the outskirts of town.

A week after the day Weirdmageddon had begun, Stan was again wondering if there had been anything he could have done to prevent this, any of this. It had started out small, with Stan thinking I should have forced Ford to tell me what was really going on. Or maybe I shouldn't have let Dipper hang around him so much after all. What if I had just... 

Reversing The Tide- A Gravity Falls FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora