Reversing The Tide- Part 2/2

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"You're sure this is going to work? A-are we in the right place? Uh, I mean time?" Blendin voiced his uncertainties for the millionth time since they'd gone back in time thirty years, six months, and eighteen days. They were currently struggling through knee high snow to reach the Mystery Shack. The date was January 18th, 1982, and something huge was about to go down. Something Stan had witnessed before.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Stan tried to sound confident, but he wasn't. He had no idea whether this idea would work, or totally crash and burn. "This is the best time we could have gone back to." Again, Stan tried to push away his nervousness.

"Alright, if you say so." Blendin replied, looking around apprehensively. He'd told Stan about the sentence over his head, and how the TARC would be looking for him non-stop. This jump back in time could very well be the thing that led them to their deaths.

"Trust me, it's gonna be fine." Stan said before taking in a sharp breath. There it was. The Mystery Shack was just thirty metres away. Suddenly Stan was shaking, and only partially from the cold. "We're here."

Blendin looked up at the large wooden cabin directly ahead of them before turning back to Stan. "Alright. You're going to g-go into that building, assuming Stanford lets you in, and try to k-keep him from being sucked into the portal. You are not to engage in any physical contact with your past self, if he is in there. That's crucial to our plan. This entire timeline could be completely annihilated if you do make contact with Past Stan. Any mistake could have us hanged, if the TARC are able to track our time trail." Blendin paused for a second. "You got all that?"

Stan simply nodded, still staring at the cabin.

"Okay then. G-good luck, Stan."

"Uh.. yeah. Thanks." Stan walked towards the building, dreading what he was about to do. He had so many doubts, it was a miracle he was able to continue putting one foot in front of the other. Finally, he'd reached the door. Stan glanced over his shoulder to where he'd come from, searching for Blendin. He was gone, having retreated into the trees at the edge of the property. He was on his own now. Taking a deep breath, Stanley turned around and lifted his hand to knock on the door. Before he had the chance to make contact with it, the door was forcefully swung open and a crossbow was levelled at Stanley's face.

"Who are you?! Why are you here?!" Stanford barked. Boy, did he look rough. Matted brown hair framed his gaunt face, and angry, bloodshot eyes glared at Stanley. His clothing looked like it hadn't been washed in several weeks.

Slowly, Stanley lifted his hand and gently pointed the crossbow down towards the ground. "Take it easy, pal." He told his twin brother (who was thirty years younger than him), his voice quivering.

"Tell me who you are and what your intentions are." Ford growled, unmoving.

"Oh boy." Stan sighed. This was going to be even more difficult than he'd thought. Suddenly his earlier doubts had increased tenfold. "Uhh.."'

"Okay. I'm going to tell you why I'm here, and who I am, I promise. But please, can you put that thing away? I don't want to lose a chunk of my head or something." Stan said, straightening up. Ford looked even more agitated than he had when he'd thrown the door open, but he slowly moved backwards and set the crossbow down, still eying the older man before him warily.

"Information. Now." He reiterated coldly, but motioned for Stanley to come in.

"First of all, my name is Stanley Pines." Stan waited for a response. Ford's eyes widened, and he looked like he wanted to say something, but refrained from doing so. Stanley reluctantly continued. "I'm... well, something terrible is supposed to happen on this day. I came here to try to stop it from occurring."

Reversing The Tide- A Gravity Falls FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now