December/9/2016 part 1

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(Btw I forgot to mention the diary will be kinda like the p.o.v changes except it says diary.but besides that its in italic like the thoughts are)

I'm currently on the bus and were headed in an unknown dirrection its not the route I'm used to, new student maybe? Today hasn't been so crappy I mean not like it normally is I'm on the bus next to Taylor or 'big phone girl' as my friend Jason calls her, Jason was my ex but he started acting like a cousin so that's what he is to me. I talked with Taylor for awhile and she really did have nice things to say she was talking about how people of this century are stupid they speak before they even know what their talking about, which is true so I agreed. Its currently 7:34 meaning we should be headed in another dirrection, were the fuck is jarold (the bus driver) taking us.

Time skip still in diary
Holly shit were picking up this kid with a creepy ass mask, masks are against school rules.....I like this kid already...Taylor seems a little confused about the boy.....I think I over heard his name was jonathan, its what the bus driver called him, he sat down in the seat across from me hmm....what's behind the mask.....SHIT THE BUS JOLTED AND HIS MASK FLIPED UP...I SAW HIS FACE!!! ....I think he noticed that I saw him because he refused to look in my dirrection the whole bus ride.....dick, I only wanted to see your face...

at breakfast still diary
Yep just like normal, I sat at the table with madison, victoria, walker, and maliki. They talked about the usal, murder and druggs and girlfriends and boyfriends along with nightmares and mental hospitals, they are really good friends with me because I'm a lot like them, my sanity is all fucked up, hmm theirs that boy again he's sitting far away but I can still tell he's looking at me, its fucking creepy....I can tell this guy and me are gonna be best friends, I think ill go introduce myself, that's if the voices will let me. Hmm they won't talk.....maybe ill introduce myself later, I left the room with my friends and of course they left me, so I was alone luckily bella was their she's one of my best friends even though her mind isn't twisted like mine. Me and her talked for awhile it was fun to talk after their being no school yesterday, I finally got to home room after fumbling with my stupid locker combo, its so retarded, the boy got to share the locker with me, yet we still haven't met I wrote a note in the locker telling him he could have the bottom half of the locker, and for him to not touch my shit or i would break his face. It turns out were in the same homeroom aswell, he also is in all my other classes.....COOL! Crystal and Gavin wouldn't shut up but because I owe Gavin for him giving me the answers when the teacher called on me, so I let it go, faith was sitting in front of me doing her work, she seemed kinda scared of jonathan, I just told her that he was probable really nice and not to judge him by his looks, of course faith being faith she kinda smiled and went back to normal, but all the others wouldn't shut up talking about him , that and some of them looked terrified. He seemed pissed off like he didn't want to be here. Yep I can tell were gonna be friends.....

(Ok this next part is the update cuz I'm to lazy to do another chapter)

I sighed placing my diary back in my bag and I walked out of class I walked up to my locker and smiled realizing the boy was their I didn't go straight to my locker I stoped a few lockers back so I can study him. He pulled the note out and shook his head I could tell he rolled his eyes. I walked up to the locker and sighed waiting for him to move so I can grab my stuff, god does he ever talk? Hmm ill ask him! you talk? Or at w/o I the silent type? He seemed really cute wow his eyes are so pretty yeah I talk just I don't really like introducing myself....I nodded and smiled well I'm (y/n) I go bye other names as well..but that doesn't matter right now..I heard your names jonathan? Right? He seemed to smile, I can kinda tell by the way the mask moved yeah but you can call me jon or whatever nickname you come up with, I have some friends that plan to go here aswell, their a do I put it...immature...kinda like me once you get to know me, speaking of which here they come! A group of guys walked up to him and they looked kinda suspicious like him, they were wearing masks aswell, the owl masked guys mask shifted I could tell it was into a smirk. Who's the girl jon? The owl boy said. Umm..she's my locker partner we just met her names (y/n) she's really nice...tsh only for so long does someone have a crush? The monkey mask boy said, jons eyes widened..NO!..i can't beilive it why am I blushing I never blush!!! Damnit! Someone's blushing! A guy with a adventure time mask said. I tried to play it off cool. Its called makup asshole shit I probable just played off as a total bitch...damn she just told you...OW WHAT THE FOOK.. The dr. Zoidberg masked guy yelped as his foot got stomped on by the adventure time masked guy..what's your guys names? I asked in a less asshole tone.. That's brock, I'm marcell, that's evan, that's david, that's brian, and as you know jon*cough* your boyfriend *cough* and the rest of us is some were else...anyway here's my number if you wanna chat! Ok gotta run bye!... He ran off so that he wouldn't be late to class...I smiled at all of them grabbed my stuff clutching the paper Marcel gave me, they all handed me their numbers and we left headed off to 3rd period class...the rest of the day went off with out a I can go home and get some rest...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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