Him Again. (Chapter 2)

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Chapter 2

I’m just going to keep going with this. I don’t know where I’m going with this. BUT YOLO! :P



 I stood up and walked around looking for Carrie. I wasn’t sure why I was even here. I kept bumping into people. And lordy, were there a lot of people here. I looked in the pool, no sight of her. I looked by the drink area, no sight of her. She was probably making out with some random dude because that’s what she does.  

 I looked over to the pool chairs and saw something or should I say someone I didn’t want to ever set my eyes on again. My ex. Logan was his name. What a douche I tell you. He scares the shit outta me too. I was going to look away hoping he didn’t see me but with my luck, what am I even saying, I don’t have luck. He looked at me.

 And with that evil smirk, he stood up and started making his way over to me. This wasn’t good. This is not how I wanted to spend my night.

 The thing is, I’m usually good with my ex’s, not that I have many but the ones I did I have stayed friends or in contact with them. Logan though, he was a horrible boyfriend. I only remember nasty memories with him. Nothing was good about that relationship.

-Flash Back –

 “Logan, NO!

 “C’mon El!” He said while taking steps closer to me.

 “No Logan. I am NOT having sex with you. I don’t care what you want right now, because the only thing you seem to want from me is sex. Not happening! I’v told you this a thousand times. But usually when I do tell you, you end up hitting me! Not this time Logan. Not again.” I said about to reach for the door to walk out of this relationship.

“And where do you think your goin? Huh?” He shouted, grabbing onto my arm harshly.

“Ow Logan your hurting me.”

“I don’t care. You do as I say remember?”

“I don’t have to do anything.”

“Let me tell you something princess. Your mine. Your my rag doll. I get to do whatever I want to do to you. That includes you having sex with me right now. CLEAR?”

The next thing I knew, I pushed him into the wall hoping to get away. Man did I regret that. He grabbed me before I had a chance to get out the door. He slammed me against the wall. The next thing he did was punch me. And punched me. And punched me.

 He left me there. Alone. He walked away from me like a little coward. He wasn’t the man I though he was. He was a monster.


End of flash back.

 I shivered just thinking about what he did to me. I couldn’t face that evil person again.

 I was almost to the washroom when I felt myself being slammed to the wall.

“Hey princess. Long time no see eh?

“Not long enough.”

 I regretted those words. I really did. Because the next thing he did brought back those memories again. He slapped me. We were in the bathroom hallway where no one was. So no one knew what he was doing. This was just not my day.

“I have always hated you. I never loved you. Bitch.” He sneered at me with pure hatred in his eyes.

“I don’t think that’s a proper way to talk to a lady don’t ya think?” Someone whose voice I didn’t recognized said from behind me.

 I closed my eyes because I was scared. I didn’t know what was happening. All I could feel was weight being taken off of me.

 When I opened my eyes I did not expect to see him again. Out of all people. Brayden.

“Hey sweet cheeks”

“Wh-wh-what are you doing here?”

“I came to help you, Now why don’t we get you and I outta here before this shit head wakes up? Eh? Sound good?”

“Umm I-I guess?”

 With that he grabs my hand and drags me away from the bathroom to the front door.

“Hop in.”


“Your fine. Okay? But if you don’t come with me he’s gunna wake up. I only punched him so hard. So please, please get in this car.”


“Thank you.”

 I hopped in the passenger seat and buckled up. He did the same with his and started the engine. By the time we pulled out of the parking spot along the road we could see Logan running out the door towards the car. I looked over at Brayden with panicked eyes.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to let him hurt you.”

“How do I know you’re not going to hurt me? Huh?”

“I am nothing like that idot. You got it? Nothing, and I will never be. You’re no man if you hit women.”

By the time he finished his sentence we were headed off onto the street.

“What about my car?”

“We can come back later and get it.”


“Yes, We. I’m not letting you come back alone after what just happened.”

“Why are you helping me? This doesn’t make any sense.”

“Elizabeth, I know thi-“

“How the hell do you know my name?”

“Your Carrie’s bestfriend. Who doesn’t know?”

“That’s still creepy. Just saying. Where are we going by the way?” I said while crossing my arms.

“I don’t know? Want to get some ice cream or something?”

“Just because I’m bigger doesn’t mean I like ice cream.” I whispered to myself.

“What was that?”


“Thought so. Because your perfectly shapped! You’re beautiful.”

“Oh um,”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean for that to slip out.” He replied while blushing and brushing his hair with his free hand.

I looked over at him astonished.

I turned back around. I can’t say I wasn’t a little uncomfortable. That would be a lie. So we sat there in complete silence. Heading down the road to get some ice crème with someone I didn’t know at all.

 Someone who could be just like Logan. 

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