Chapter 7

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I woke up in Peters tent. He walked in just as I was waking up.

"Nice to see your awake." He said with a smile.

"What happened?" I asked in a sleepy tone.

Peters face changed for a moment then went back. It seemed a bit suspicious.

"Oh nothing, you must of just fell asleep at the bonfire."

And then I remembered hearing someone.

" but I heard someone calling my name."

"It was probably just your dreams." Peter said helping me out of the bed.

Something was up, he never acted that way towards me. Something had happened last night. I had to find out.

What could he be keeping from me?

"Yeah your probably right" I said walking out of the tent to Henry.


Keeping this secret away from Jocelynn and Henry was harder than I thought. They couldn't know that they were brother and sister! Yesterday, it was to close. I don't really need to worry about Henry. Jocelynn is the one I was worried about...


"Peter!" Jocelynn yelled motioning me with her hand to come and sit next to her. I did.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Something's not right.." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, for the last couple days I keep hearing these voices. Like someone's calling me to them, but I can't go." She said drifting off the last sentence.

Emma and Regina.. They have been trying to get her to comeback to them...

She's following my orders, smart.

"That's weird.." I said.

"Yeah.." She said giving me a hug.

I gave her a hug back. Something was different. I had never had this feeling.


Peter gave me a hug and it wasn't an ordinary hug from him it was filled with love. I snuggled more into his chest feeling all his heat. I never wanted to let go. But then I heard him whisper

"I love you."

I smiled.

"I think I love you too" I said. I could feel him smile. He squeezed me tighter but I didn't mind.

I was falling in love with who I thought would be my enemy.

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