Chapter 17

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Sherlock, John and Claire ran down the barren streets, not a soul in sight. Claire expected their wouldn't be any, because they were all attending the parade. Sherlock pulls both of them into a narrow alley, there was no way anyone could harm them except if they walked into the alley themselves.

John was breathing heavily, "How did you.. how did you... survive?" he says between breathes.

"Does it matter?" Claire huffed, leaning against the wall, "He's alive and that's that."

Sherlock nods, breathing heavily himself. "There's not alot of time, Lestrade is trying to track down those that are trying to kill you. I think they found the ones posted around at the parade, but they're still others around."

Claire's eyes shifted to Sherlock, "And how did you know about all this?"

"Well, with the spare time I had while I was... absent, I used my resources and figured out Moriarty's last move."

"Wait, so he's dead?" John looked around, half expecting Moriarty to jump into view in the alley way.

"Yes, he killed himself the day I did my.. trick."

"Trick?! You call that a trick?!" Claire hissed, standing straight. "You nearly had both of us on our wits' end, Sherlock!"

"And how do you think I felt when I thought you were dead?!" he says, looking into her eyes, half startled and half awed by her breathtaking blue eyes.

She opened her mouth to say something but shut it, sighing, "I tried getting back to you sooner-"

"You nearly drove me mad." he mutters.

She frowned, "Why? Because of the guilt?"

Johns eyes shifted between Sherlock and Claire, he knew this needed to be between them and inched down the alley a little ways' away.

He shook his head, knowing he was an absolute crazy idiot for saying any of this, but it needed to be said. "That was a small part of it. But just seeing him shoot you, and thinking that you were dead... I thought I lost someone I actually cared about."

Claire noticed how close the alley made her and Sherlock, they were only inches away, dangerously close. "If you were alive," she said after a moment's silence, "were you there at the graveyard?"

He nods, "Yes."

"Then I guess i still have to keep my promise on what I would say to you."

He tilts his head to the side, listening to her, studying her gorgeous eyes. When he looked into them, he didn't see a dark past or a confusing future. He only saw her, the one that can never be like any other, the one who showed him love, compassion. And even though he swore he never would, she was the one he fell for.

"I love you." she whispers, leaning in, his lips meeting hers.

A jolt of enegry surged through the both of them. The spark that was ignited into a flame. It was so new, so enlightening, to the both of them.

They were pulled back to reality by John's voice, and they both opened their eyes. They were entwined in eachother's arms, extremely close to one another, their bodies touching. Sherlock looked at John, "What is it?"

Claire could only smile, and she knew there was no use in hiding it.


And that is the end! Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it [: please review, and I'm thinking of making a sequel (or just another fanfic) but MORE ON THAT LATER [: 

-sighs- I enjoyed writing this, it's one of the few I have completed. Thank you for reading, and feel free to look at my other works or message me with any questions or comments! Constructive criticism is welcomed! Have a good day!


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