Chapter 8

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By afternoon, (Y/N) had managed to find a small cave for them to rest in, which allowed him to calm down from the annoying complains of the noisy vampire.

Ayato had managed to fall asleep, using the werewolf's fluffy tail as a pillow while the silvernette was thinking through quite a few options to get them out.

With an idea in mind, the taller male decided to sneak his tail out from under the red-head and walked out of the cave.

Turning into a wolf, (Y/N) started to sniff out the area. Especially when there are no annoying vampires around to distract him, he could concentrate.

His senses sharpened with his concentration, allowing him to hear a faint sound of cars, probably an hour away from where they were.

If he wasn't wrong that should be a freeway, which meant that the mansion would be in the complete opposite direction. And that the school should just be a half an hour walk towards the same direction as the mansion.

This was easier than he had expected. If the vampire travelled on "wolf-back" then it would shorten the journey by half the time.

(Y/N) quickly ran back towards the cave, nudging the vampire to wake up so that he could get him back to his family sooner.

Ayato's eyes opened slightly, the vampire groaning from sleeping on the ground. The red-head stood up quickly to stretch, only for his head to meet with the short ceiling of the cave.

The vampire cursed at himself and mostly the cave, but the wolf had no time for that.

(Y/N) ran towards the vampire, headbutting Ayato behind his knees and making him fall over, ending up in him sitting on the wolf's back.

"Hold on. We're going home." The wolf called out before sprinting off into the direction of the mansion that he had found out of earlier.


Upon reaching the large gates of the rundown-looking mansion, (Y/N) was about to drop-off the vampire until he realised that the red-head had actually fell asleep.

He groaned as he pushed open the gates slightly with his snout, enough for him to go through.

The wolf walked up to the front doors, the adrenaline from the run was fading away and the exhaustion had started to take over.

His legs felt like jelly and that they might give out from under him anytime soon.

So with the remaining energy he had left, (Y/N) slammed himself against the front door, throwing both him and Ayato into the house.

The wolf's paws were swollen from running so much and the leg that had been injured was not looking any better.

He quickly turned back into his human form and slapping the red-head, forcing him to wake up.

"How dare you wake Ore-sama up from his sleep!" The vampire yelled angrily, ticking the werewolf off.

"You've been sleeping while I was bringing you home. So now that you're back, I've woken you up. Do I need to apologise? Ayato-sama." The werewolf mocked, quoting the red-head's name with his fingers.

Ayato's face flared up in both anger and embarrassment, making him stand up quickly.

"Ore-sama isn't going to take anymore of this. Are you going to go now?" The vampire questioned the silvernette rather rudely.

"If that's how you treat a guest who helped you find your home." The werewolf glared at the red-head.

He was about to stand up, only for his legs to give out and started falling over.

Ayato who wanted to help was only dragged down together with the silvernette as he was no where near strong enough to support the werewolf.

"Wow. Didn't know you were so desperate for me." The vampire could already hear the smirk from the werewolf as his face burned brightly.

Before Ayato could say anything, an annoyed voice spoke up.

"What are the two of you doing?" The dark-haired vampire sighed. He pushed the glasses up the bridge of his nose. The light reflecting off the clean lenses, resulting in the two males being unable to see the menacing glare that he was sending them.

It was as if at the speed of light. Even the werewolf himself didn't really see it.

But Reiji's hand was now tugging at the red-head's ear roughly, making the younger vampire whine and complain.

"Where were you after you jumped out of the car?" The brains of the family was definitely beyond pissed from the absence of Ayato at school.

He had to go through an annoying time at the principal's office explaining about what happened to the takoyaki lover and listening to the nagging from the head of the school.

Unconsciously, the silvernette's lips curved into a small smile. It felt like the past, when they were kids and when the vampires' parents weren't home. The werewolf would get snuck into the house to play with them. When any of the younger did something wrong, Reiji would be scolding and nagging at them.

He chuckled dryly, it definitely felt like the old days. But something was different. The family bond that these vampires had in the past, their brotherhood, it was gone now. It was as if they were enemies.

And the silvernette knew exactly why.

These seven vampires were torn apart because of one goal.

To be the successor of the family.

Uwahhhh. Sorry for the short and crappy chapter ><" I've been having a writer's block and had no idea how to start or end the chapter. I'll try to push out the next update as soon as possibru.

I apologise if I disappointed you guys. I'll make sure the next chapter will be better!

Sorry for all the mistakes. Feel free to comment and urm... Vote(?) If you liked the chapter.

Once again I'm sorreh!


(Ps : You have no idea how many times I rewrote this chapter xD)

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