When Your Gone

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^Inside Gracie's tent while she's in Afghanistan

It had been hours since I last heard from tony this morning when he got on the plane was the last time we spoke. "JARVIS" I called while walking into my bed room which had one wall made of glass looking over the night sky "yes gracie"he answered "can you call Tonys cell"I asked "Tonys number appeared on a projection on my window"calling tony stark"JARVIS announced. after a few rings and me waiting in my PJs Tonys face appeared on the screen he gave me a smile "thank god your still alive"I smile "aww mom were you worried about me"he smiled"yes I was tony I told you to call me as soon as you could but now I had to call you"I frowned "I'm fine I'm ok"he smiled"good. And the job"I ask "like putty in my hands"he shared "I'm glad"I say"well I gotta go see you by the time you wake up miss you"he said seriously"I miss you good night or afternoon tony"I blow a kiss to the screen he as normal pretends to catch it and put it to his chest"night gracie"he calls before the call ends I yawn and get into bed before falling asleep but still that bad gut feeling was there.

"Ms Hart I'm sorry to wake you but I'm afraid I have some news"JARVIS' voice rung through my bed room waking me up. "JARVIS this better be important" I gruffly spoke as I sat up in bed stretching. A projection showed on my curtained windows it was a news report "reporting live from the sight of abduction it appears the infamous tony stark has been kidnapped by what we are calling mountain terrorists who we think seek Tonys latest achievement which he was here to sell all men with stark at the time have been killed the whereabouts of stark is yet unknown and or even if he is alive. Keep tuned in for updates as they come in this is the CNN news report"she finished I had tears in my eyes "ma'm"I hear JARVIS "right right Um pepper call pepper"I wiped my now spilled tears "no wait get colonel Rhodes on the phone first"I shot orders at JARVIS, as I rushed about getting dressed the press would be all over this how the hell come Im his godmother and was not first informed "gracie"I hear rhodeys voice ring in my ears "have you found him"I ask"not yet but were looking"he says "you were supposed to protect him"I yelled"I know I'm sorry"he said"he didn't want me in his car"he reasoned "oh and you've listened to him before god Rhodey why choose now to listen to him"I was crying "gracie we will find him I promise"he promised yeah how long would I have to wait for this promise to be changed up.

1 month later:
it had been a month and yet I have heard nothing was he dead was he safe what about if he was hurt. Bad things just keep happening to me I knew I should have listened to my gut feeling. I was pacing the length of the kitchen that me and tony had once shared but now I don't even know if he is alive. There was a knock at the door "gracie colonel Rhodes is here to see you"JATVIS told me "send him through"I said after a minute I hear foot steps enter the kitchen."gracie"a voice says I look up Rhodey stands a few feet away"any news did you find him"I spat out at a fast speed but he understood"no and no gracie I need to be frank here there's a chance"I cut him off"that he's dead or I will never see him again yeah well I'm not about to give up hoping and trying to find him he is all the family I have left I know we're not blood but he might as well be he calls me mom"by the end of my rant my voice is at a whisper"I know its kinda weird he calls you mom he looks older than you"Rhodey smiles I give a sad smile"ok when do you go back"I ask getting back on the topic of the search "what"he asked confused "when do you go back to Afghanistan"I say again clearer "tomorrow why"does he have to ask "good I'll have a bag packed by about 10 am come pick me up will you"I said before walking of Rhodey hot on my tail"wow no gracie you can't come my superiors would have a fit if I brought a civilian girl on to the base"he exclaimed "this civilian girl helped win world war 2"I stopped and span to say"I think its fair to say I have more experience than any of your superiors do"I smiled and walked of leaving a frowning Rhodey.

2 months without tony:
it had been 2 months and no sign to suggest we would find tony I have been in Afghanistan for a whole month and nothing Rhodey was shocked by how his superiors acted when he returns with me, lets just say his superiors are a bunch of kiss asses they see me as like a idol although there constant questions about what it's like being the super soldier and what Steve was like in person Are annoying. I went on a scouting party every day searching further and further out but still nothing I can only hope tony is smart enough to be at Least trying to escape if he's alive. But hey that's just a hope.

3 months without tony:
it has been three months but it felt like 3 years I had been in the deserts of Afghanistan 2 months still nothing Rhodey has basically demanded I go home and get rest in my real home back in California but I can't leave knowing he's out there. "Gracie look just for a few days and then you can come back I promise"Rhodey reasoned with me as he stood at my tents door "ok fine 2 days that's all" I say"if your lying or this is a trick remember I have worked around super geniuses for the past 65 years and I hate to sound egotistical Im only just below genius IQ and have in the past few decades had a hand in some of sciences biggest breakthroughs so I have learned a few things that added with the fact I'm a super soldier will not help your case understood"I smirked he put 2 thumbs up unsure of what to say. "Good"I bounced of my bed and began to pack things up.

The next day:
i got home late last night but I still refused to sleep I just continued my work from here I got JARVIS to give me satellite snaps of every square grid on the map of Afghanistan for any sign of tony none so far. it was not till that late after noon I got a call from Rhodey "we found him"is all he said"when can I see him"my voice cracked in happiness "he's just being checked out by medics but he should be fine and back to you on a flight tonight so he will arrive tomorrow morning about 9"I could hear the smile he had"that's good that's great Rhodey thank you"I whisper"he's my friend" is all he said before hanging up I had a huge smile tomorrow I would see tony I have to calm pepper she has been out of a job for 3 months although she called every 2 days to ask for news and how I was. she really was a angel.

Iron Man: The Chronicles of Gracie Hart: Gracie's Values Where stories live. Discover now